Thursday, August 27, 2009

Pizza Ranch Fundraiser

Save the date!

Monday, August 31, from 5 - 8 PM, owner Ross Olson of The Pizza Ranch in Watertown, SD is donating all tips and a portion of proceeds to NFT in honor of Clark Kimble. The Kimble family will be there so come say hello, eat some delicious pizza, and support Clark in his fight.
Hope to see you there.
Thank you!

Watertown Pizza Ranch
217 10th Street Nw
Watertown, SD, 57201


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing!

Karla said...

I really happy that people are so willing to help clark out!!!

Anonymous said...

will definatley be there

Cher said...

Yum! What a great idea. Pizza Ranch pizza. And a big thank you to the generous Ross Olson and his Pizza Ranch Crew. Clark, don't worry. We'll get you some pizza real soon.

Janeanne said...

Hey Clark....have you ever heard of Chris Klug? His is another amazing story.

Chris was an outstanding skier and snowboarder destined for great things. Unfortunately, his sports career (and life) looked as if it would be cut short when he was diagnosed with a congenital liver disease.

In July of 2008, he received a transplant. Less than two months later, he was training again. In 2002, we won a bronze metal in snowboarding at the Winter Games in Salt Lake. He remains the only person to compete in the Olympics after receiving an organ transplant.

Now he travels across the country telling his story and encouraging people to become organ donors.

He's written a book called "To the Edge and Back." I'll order you a copy and have it sent to Kristen's house. Here's his website if you want to check it out.

I'm sure there are times when it's difficult to endure what you are going through. Keep fighting Clark. You've still got work to do. Maybe it won't be winning an Olympic medal. But, you are and will be a champion amongst those whose lives you touch.

President Faust said: "The oppressive fog that beclouds the tortuous lanes and passages of your lives will disappear in the spiritual sunlight that comes only from God. This spiritual sunlight will not shine unless we diligently and humbly seek to enjoy His Spirit, for “the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind” (D&C 64:34).

Have a day basked in the sunlight God is shining down on you! We love you.

Janeanne said...

Sorry...Chris' transplant was in 2000, not 2008.

Heather west said...

I really wish I could be there to support the fund that night cuz pizza ranch is my favorite!

Janeanne said...

Rise and Shine, Clark! Hope you had a good night.'s something you can try when you are feeling a little better.

This guy named Larry always wanted to be a fighter pilot, so he joined the Air Force. Unfortunately, he was disqualified because his eyesight was poor. But, Larry really wanted to fly.

So one day, he went to the Army-Navy surplus store and bought 45 weather ballons and a tank of helium. He tied the balloons to a lawn chair and anchored it to his truck. When he was situated in his chair with some sandwiches, drinks, and a BB gun he cut the cord that was grounding his chair. (The BB gun was to shoot the balloons when he wanted to come down).

He thought he'd lazily float up a couple hundred feet, but instead, he shot up, like a rocket, to 11,000 feet.

He was too scared to shoot the ballons because he thought the imbalance may cause him to be thrown from his chair. So he just drifted for 14 hours until he entered LAX air space. A Pan Am pilot radioed the tower about passing a guy in a lawn chair at eleven thousand feet... with a gun in his lap.

Airport authorities dispatched a helicopter to rescue him as he drifted out over the ocean. They threw him a line and brought him back to earth.

As soon as he hit the ground, he was arrested. As he was being led away in handcuffs, a television reporter asked, "Mr. Walters, why did you do it?"

Larry stopped, eyed the man for a moment and replied nonchalantly,
"A man can't just sit around."

This is a true story. In fact, I remember hearing it on the news when it happened. Since you're not afraid of heights, it might sound kind of fun to you. If you do it, you better take a coat. I bet it's really cold at 11,000 feet!

Have a great day!

Janeanne said...

Good morning again from ND. It's another beautiful day. But, unfortunately, fall is in the air. Fall is actually my favorite time of the year, but I can wait- for I know what comes after it. (Winter does not rank on my favorite's list.)

Since it's the Sabbath, thought I'd share the ultimate message of hope and joy.

"Because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, we need not fear, for we will live forever, never to taste of death again. Because of His infinite Atonement, we can be cleansed of sin and stand pure and holy before the judgment bar. The Savior is the Author of our Salvation."

Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "The Infinite Power of Hope, Ensign," Nov. 2008, 22

Sometimes when I'm feeling overwhelmed or depressed, I try to remember that this earthly life is but a small (but important) moment.

Heavenly Father is more powerful than all the armies on earth. HE is more powerful than any virus or illness. Though it sometimes is not immediately apparent, HE is always in charge.

By putting our trust in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, we can be assured that - no matter what happens to us or around us - all will be well.

All is well, Clark. Though you are enduring a difficult time, it is worth it. Through this experience, you are gaining wisdom that will give you so much advantage in this world and in the world to come.

Keep up the fight, my son. You shall overcome and be a shining light of hope to many.

Have a great day! We love you.

Janeanne said...

Clark...hope you're not tiring of my daily messages. It's my only means of letting you know that we are still out here supporting you.

Boyd let us know that you underwent yet another surgery yesterday. We're sure hoping they can get you closed up soon. That will be the focus of my prayers for you.

Samuel Johnson said: "Great works are performed not by strength, but by perseverance."

Clark, you are engaged in a "great work". Sometime in the future, you will look back at this experience and realize all you have learned from it.

Keep seeking the sunshine that follows the rain. You are sure to find it!

Hope this day is good!