When Clark first learned he had a liver problem, Ryan would call and answer the phone, "Liver!" Confused Clark asked, "What?" "Live er die!" That's what it's down to. Liver or die. The last two hours have felt like years while we waited, and hoped, and prayed. Our prayers have been answered! Cate told us they have located a liver and feel that it’s a good match for Clark. The tears fell freely from each of us who were waiting. He will be monitored overnight and the surgery will begin around 9AM. The surgeons are confident that it will be a successful procedure and Clark will come out conquering. Right now they are inserting the bolt. Then we will be able to see Clark for a moment even though he will still be under. Our spirits are much higher and we have been given orders from the social worker to go home, eat some comfort food, and get some sleep. As quickly as we fell to our knees to pray for a liver, we joined in a prayer of thanks. We will be back in the morning to see him again before he goes into surgery. Then we wait . . . again, and continue to pray. A nurse will update us on the progress of the surgery every 2 hours.
They can’t tell us anything about the donor but we are under the impression that he/she is still alive. The doctor said they haven’t harvested the liver yet because they want to place as many organs as possible first. I can only imagine that there is some sort of communication going on between Clark and his donor at this time. Clark is under, this person is under, and they are both so close to the veil, lingering between life and death. My mom said “They both still have life but one has to go.” We may never know who the donor is but we are allowed to write them a letter and the Transplant Services will deliver it to the family. We are praying for them at this time as well. They are receiving the news that we have prayed we wouldn’t get.
I know that Heavenly Father is hearing the countless prayers that are being uttered on bended knees all across the country. Thank you! Keep it up!
The social worker told us that in her last conversation with Clark he said, “No matter what comes, I can handle it.”

Cate telling us a liver had been accepted.
What fantastic news! Rhonda- thanks for leaving the message on the box at home today. No worries about figuring out facebook, I finally figured out how to post on here without a google account! I was so happy to hear the news after Dad talked to you...mom couldn't stop crying! She also called the neighbors to increase the prayer chain. We visited the boys at home tonight and gave them a little something to help get them to Utah...and Dad says he refuses to take it back (no buts about it...even though the boys tried to give it back)! We will continue to pray for Clark and the family that is losing their loved one to help another live. Please know that we are here for you and are happy to help out with anything at home. Also- WHS Class of 2003 has done a fine job of supporting their classmate in need--facebook is flooded with "prayers and thoughts for Clark and family." Wishing the very best for all of you.
Kelsey Likness
Praise the Lord!!!! The tears of joy and prayers of thanks are flowing here. We will continue the prayers for Clark for all of you and for the family of the donor for thier generousity and for their comfort in their loss. Know you are all in our thoughts and prayers and wrapped in so much love and support.
Jim and Marilyn Fronk
Dear Rhonda and family --
Bill and I have been following your blog daily and sending many prayers to Clark and all of his family! We are rejoicing with you at your news and will continue to pray every day. May God continue to spread his love in the days to come.
Bill and Liz Markley
I am so happy for this news! I am convinced that this is the result of the many prayers offered on Clark's behalf. Taylor texted me to let me know that they had found a lover and I remarked that it had not been too long since I got off my knees and that there must have been several others doing the same. "Behold the tender mercies of the Lord."
Goes to show the power of prayer. Clark is an amazing soul and i am so very happy to hear about the news. Everyone is continuing to pray for him, a successful surgery and a quick recovery. THANK GOD for this liver.. and i will also pray for the family of the donor. thinking of all of you! Stay in good spirits and wake up tomorrow after a good night rest. much love
Rhonda and family -
I have been praying all day for you and Clark and his doctors. Marilyn has her half of Kansas praying for Clark and I have my half! Now they are prayers of thanksgiving that a liver is available. I will continue to pray for the donor family and a successful surgery tomorrow.
Kristin - Bless you for keeping up this BLOG! Those of us that are not with you in Utah are with you in spirit.
Awesome news...God never leaves us in our time of need. I will continue to pray for you all!
i'm so glad all our prayers were answered!!! i will keep Clark in my prayers until he walks out the hospital doors! God Bless~
The look on Rhonda's Face, the Doctors face... and especially Huxley's face says it all!
Time for joy and gratitude for sure, and then it's time for a little ATTITUDE! Get in there and give em Heck, Clark. Use your reserves to breeze thru the surgery, embrace your new liver, and get back to healthy.
I am beyond overjoyed for your big beautiful family, and for Super Clark!!!
This is the best news I have heard in ages. Clark we're praying for you constantly. I am so impressed with your attitude through this whole experience. I know that God is on your side. It saddened me to hear about your condition this morning. I was elated when I heard the news about the liver coming available. I am not one who sheds many tears, but I have got to say, you have made me cry several times. From the time I saw Clark this morning, until the time I returned back to the Hospital this afternoon, I was saying a prayer in my heart, asking God with all of my faith that Clark would receive a new liver. I believe that everybody's prayers have made this transplant possible. Clark we love you. I know that your faith in God will get you and you family through this struggle. You have been a great example to many people, and for that, I know you will be blessed. Kimble family, my prayers are with you also. You have been a great help to Clark through this time and I know he is is grateful for your love and support.
Everything we hear points to the fact the Clark is a fighter. Clark, Rhonda, Huxley and all the family and loved ones of your family, our prayers and thoughts are constantly with you at this time. We will await the news to hear how the surgery went and future posts on his recovery from surgery.
Mike and Jana Mills
Rhonda and Family, I am so glad to hear the news. Your family will continue to be in my prayers, as it is still a long road ahead, I know. Kristen and you are handling with this tough journey with great grace and strength and faith. I wish you and all your family a peaceful, restful sleep tonight, knowing that our prayers were answered.
Ann Printz, Jesse & Nathan, (The KC Crew)
I have been doing the Happy Liver Dance ALL night long. Clark I new I loved ya but I had no idea I loved ya this much!!! Everything is going to be alright! Let the Clark Miracle begin...
Love this new quote i heard...Yesterday is History ~ Tomorrow is a Mystery ~ Today is a Gift
Oh! Praise the Lord!! The Lord's timing is, indeed, perfect. The donor family just needed that one last good-bye. Prayers of peace for them knowing that their son's final gift is the gift of life for so many. Geri called with the news just as I was logging on. Kristin...reyolds0512 is Adriann. She started a beautiful prayer chain for all of you and is anxious to visit when Clark is back on his feet and you have rested. Tell the boys to look in our yard when they leave town. ;)
Thank you, Heavenly Father for hearing our prayers. Glory to God.
I can only try to imagine the heartbreak of the donor family. Their selfless generosity overwhelms me with grief and gratitude. I am humbled to understand their pain graces us with relief. I pray they may, in some way, perceive how they have made us feel; therein may they find some measure of comfort.
To “Super Clark” & a “Super family”, may God bless you with patience & strength. We’re praying.
Love, Susie (Althoff) Stroup & family
Please know that my family and I have been praying for Clark and your family. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
God bless~
Rhonda and family,
Just wanted to let you know we thinking of you and our prayers will be heard. I did call you and hope you got my message. Let us know if we can do anything for you.
Love Linda and Dave
This is the best news anyone could ask for. Clark is a fighter and everything will turn out fine. your family is strong and you will all get through this together. Many thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Prayers really are answered!! I have everyone here continuing to pray and look what happens when everyone prays together. I am so grateful to the donor family for their selfless act. Many years ago my close friend died and donated her organs-over 30 people were helped! I know what a difficult decision it was for her family, but what a blessing to the 30 others. We know you are in great hands and will continue to track your recovery.
Rhonda and Family-
Thank you for the updates. At 9:00am this morning we were thinking about your family and Clark and praying that the surgery would be successful! Which we know it will be with God's grace. It is amazing how God humbles us and blesses us at the same time. Mom and Dad don't do the internet so I have kept them posted with your updates. They send their well wishes and prayers for a full recovery for Clark. You are a very special family to them. Please don't hesitate to call if anyone here can help in any way.
JoLynne, Marty, Nate, Shelby, Spencer and Lexi Mack - Dick & Lois Heyn
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