Tuesday, December 7, 2010

You Shall Ask . . .

Here are the two pictures I took at the cemetery yesterday. Not a lot of change, just poinsettias now. Myls had taken some lefse and put at Clark's grave on Thanksgiving. It was a really hard time for him. I looked for the lefse yesterday and either it was eaten by birds or covered with snow.
You shall ask
What good are the dead leaves
And I will tell you
They nourish the sore earth.
You shall ask
What reason is there for winter
And I will tell you
To bring about new leaves.
You shall ask
Why are the leaves so green
And I will tell you
Because they are rich with life.
You shall ask
Why must summer end
And I will tell you
So that the leaves can die.

- Nancy Wood

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Memories Of The Way We Were

I’ve made numerous visits to the cemetery since June 19, 2010. Each trip was so hard; I’d find an empty spot with not even a marker in place. I was so anxious to see Clark’s monument finally in place after several attempts to make it just what we wanted. On November 11, 2010 the headstone was set. I came around the curve entering the area and there it was, Clark’s face smiling. My son, Clark! Maybe the empty site was better? No, after taking a few moments to remember the way we were, the way our family had once been, the way it was when Jim was with us; I faced reality of the memories. Remember when all the kids were still living at home and depending on their parents yet. How sweet the moment! Now I have two members of our family at Mount Hope Cemetery and still missing them both. Often wondering what Jim would look like today as he aged? How proud Jim would be of his children? What things would have been different if he was still alive? Wondering about Clark if he hadn’t gotten sick, would he still be working at the same job? Would he be holding the Priesthood? Would he be married? Then I read the verse on Clark’s monument. It reads Alma 40:12,

"And then shall it come to pass, that the spirits of those who are righteous are received into a state of happiness, which is called paradise, a state of rest, a state of peace, where they shall rest from all their troubles and from all care, and sorrow."

I felt a great peace, nearly an envy. I then walked over to Jim’s headstone to admire the new vases I had set on his headstone too. What a nice addition!

The vases were empty and I wanted to get them filled with special flowers as soon as possible. I didn’t want to go to any store in Watertown to buy the flowers, as others in the cemetery might have the same flowers. So I made a special trip to Sioux Falls to buy them at Michael’s. After Clark’s passing, I found in the glove box of his car, a $50 gift card for American Express. Knowing not many stores take American Express I had wondered where and what to best spend the card on that would be “special”. I had tucked it away in the glove box of MY car. I’ve been struggling with a cold, so on my way to Sioux Falls, I reached over and opened my glove box for a cough drop. There it was. The American Express card. I thought, “wouldn’t it be great if Michael’s accepts American Express?” I entered the store, looking for that something “special”. Flowers of all kinds all over and 40% off too. So it wasn’t long before my cart was FULL. Flowers for fall and flowers for Christmas.

Then it came time to pay. A lump came to my throat. My lips quivered and tears flowed as I stood in line to pay. When it was my turn, I felt a bit silly looking like I did, so I explained to the clerk that I had lost my son this summer and was wondering if the store accepted American Express Cards? She smiled at me and said, “Yes, we do.” I pulled it out and told her that I had saved it for something special and that I had agreed to use it for the flowers for the graves of my son and husband. She opened her arms, bent over, and gave me a big hug. People standing behind me had to be wondering what was going on. Then she said to me, “I know what you’re going through. I lost a three month old child to SIDS, and my husband passed away a short time later. We comforted each other and I knew I truly had met someone who understood. Someone who knows the pain I was feeling.

Yesterday, November 15th, 2010 I was joined by Wyatt and Myls as the three of us went to the cemetery to assemble the fall flowers in the new vases. It was a special time for me, to have the boys help. Wyatt cut the wire on the flowers to just the right length as Myls duplicated the flowers in the vases opposite of me. As I drove away I was reminded of “One More Final Thing” that had now come to pass. that had now come to pass.

- Rhonda Jo Kimble (Clark's mother)

Monday, November 15, 2010


I ordered a car cover for Clark's car. Paid for it on my credit card and then came home to get the $56 from his wallet and was going to pay that on my CC. I first took some pictures of the car cover and then money. While heading to town the tears welled up. It wasn't just any money, it was special money! Once back into circulation, who'd know that that was the money Clark had? I couldn't do it, I just couldn't do it. So I folded it up exactly how he had it, tucked it back where it belongs, and that is where it will stay. What a tough day!

- Rhonda Kimble (Clark's Mom)

Super Clark Blog to Book

The Super Clark blog only has a few posts left to write. His headstone was placed and we will post pictures of that. I want to write a synopsis of the funerals and share pictures just to record them. Then, we will leave the blog up but probably will not be updating. We are going to print a book so if there are any last comments, experiences, thoughts you would like to share, please leave them as a comment. We would love to hear from you and feel of your support and involvement. Thank you!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Fit For a Hero Chocolate Cake

A member of the single's ward made this amazing cake for the luncheon after Clark's funeral. I don't think that one person who tasted it didn't rave about how moist, rich, and delicious it was. My mom said, "Lucky is the man who marries the woman who made this cake!" We did our digging and got the recipe. It is now a go-to favorite amongst our family. Clark became a hero to many during his illness and this cake is nothing short of being fit for a hero.
  • 1 box chocolate fudge cake mix (I used SuperMoist's Triple Chocolate Fudge, but any chocolate kind with pudding in it works - the fudge is definitely better than Devil's Food, promise!)
  • 2/3 cup water
  • 1/3 cup orange juice
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 3 eggs
  • 6 oz. chocolate chips (3/4 cup)
Mix together everything but chocolate chips (easy, no?) - I followed the box's recommendation of 30 seconds on low and then 2 minutes on medium. Then mix in the chocolate chips.

Pour into a well-greased (with shortening - NOT oil), well-floured bundt pan. I can't stress this enough! The greasing and flouring are essential for the cake to not stick, so be thorough.

Bake at 350* F. for 40-45 minutes.

When the cake has cooled , drizzle with chocolate glaze, which is made by combining:
  • 3 Tbsp. butter (you can melt it; I just used softened butter and then zapped the whole glaze for 25 seconds to make it pourable)
  • 1 cup powdered sugar, sifted
  • 1 tsp. vanilla
  • 2 Tbsp. hot water
  • 6 Tbsp. cocoa
I recommend serving along with some vanilla ice cream.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Super Clark on ABC4

New health care laws might have saved young man's life
Reported by: Kimberly Houk
SALT LAKE CITY (ABC 4 News) - With the number of uninsured Americans rising to more than 50-million last year, the new health care laws are bringing some welcome relief, but for one young man’s family, the new laws didn't come soon enough. The Kimble family lost their son and brother in June after his insurance company refused to pay for a bone marrow transplant. It’s a costly procedure that could have saved his life.

Kristin Purles is reading to her children on a day she says is very bittersweet to her as she watches a new health care law go into effect. A law, she says may have made it possible for her kids to still have their uncle, and she, her brother.

“It’s hard looking back knowing this could have saved Clark’s life and given him years with us. It’s bittersweet, because I hope many others lives can be saved, and they get the care that they need”.

Clark Kimble recently lost his battle with acute liver failure. Their last images were of him lying in his hospital bed, hooked to tubes.

“That was probably the hardest part. He had a condition that had a cure. Doctors knew what to do. They had the equipment. He had an exact sibling match donor. Everything was ready to go on a moment’s notice, and it was all denied because of funding”.

Clark reached his maximum lifetime payout limit of $2-million. The insurance company refused to pay for what could have been a life-saving bone marrow transplant.

“They didn’t have funding, and it cost him his life”.

A life cut tragically short at just 24 years old, but under the new health care reform law, insurers are now prohibited from imposing lifetime limits on benefits.

It could help people stay on their private insurances and get the care that they need there”. It’s a law she wishes would have come sooner to possibly save her brother.

This new health care law is projected to cover 32 million uninsured people, as well as reduce the deficit by 143-billion dollars over 10 years, but republicans are reminding voters the health care law did manage to front load some benefits while deferring the pain of tax increases until after the election.
Kimberly Houk

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


"Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ." -Gal. 6:2

I have been so touched at the power of service. I talk of this not because I am great at giving service. I'm striving to be better. But because I have been the recipient of great service. The feelings of love that are gained for those you serve and those who serve you are irreplaceable.

So many have served our family throughout this past year and to you all I am so grateful. One man, however, one man has taught me more about true Christlike service than any other. I have such a special place in my heart for him because he was one of the few who became so intimately involved with Clark as few others, and it wasn't because he was family, it was by choice. He cared for and loved Clark as if he were his own son. He gave and sacrificed and served constantly. I could not begin to count the ways by which our family benefited from his good works. (As it is with true selfless service, I know he would not want to be named.)

He taught me to serve others because you want to serve them. See a need fill a need. We often ask "Is there anything I can do to help?" or "Let me know if you need anything." How often are we actually taken up on those offers. Most of the time the response will be, "No, I'm OK." This man is too stubborn to let it be at that. He would see a need and fill a need, without waiting for us to ask him or give our permission. When called out on this one time his response was, "I can help too. Let me serve you."

On many occasions his service, or that of those in his "flock", has brought tears to my eyes. Just to name a few - a schedule was set up for help with rides for Clark's appointments, meals were brought over, money and donations and money and money, fundraisers organized, blood drives hosted, a few days before Christmas a box big enough for me to climb into showed up on our doorstep filled . . . FILLED with food and gifts, Christmas lights were hung, our car fixed several times and each time we went to settle up the response was, "There's no charge." (I've tried to argue this one but there's no budging a stubborn man.), even the visits and phone calls or texts to check in go a long way. His service has been endless! Clark passed away over three months ago and to this day he is serving us. Not one of these times did I pick up the phone and ask for help. It was all greatly needed and appreciated and done on his own account. See a need fill a need.

I have a book called "The Dog Poop Initiative." Basically the story goes that there is a man who takes his dog for a walk, lets him poop in the grass, and doesn't pick it up. Later, a soccer team arrives and many point out the stinky poo. "With luck and great effort, they avoid the pile." Two more teams come to play. The parents, coaches, and refs point out and warn the others about the poop. "So far all we've seen are a lot of pointers and a pooper. But what about initiative? Where are the leaders and the scoopers?" Then another arrives, and as the pointers pointed, he went over and cleaned up the poop. His son watched and later his team played without worrying about the poop. "The example of our initiative may help others more clearly see, the kind of person and even hero, that they too can choose to be." We've talked a lot about heroes, Clark being one of the greatest. This man has also earned himself the title of hero to me.

Clark's singles ward came over one family night and put up Christmas lights for us. We didn't own a ladder, all our family was coming here, and Christmas is Clark's favorite holiday. I felt their love every time I saw the twinkling lights and so enjoyed having them up. If the singles hadn't done that service for us, it would not have gotten done. A couple months after Christmas, they were still hanging. I knew they needed to come down but we still didn't have a ladder, and frankly it was the least of my priorities. Besides, I still liked their reminder and even though they were off, they often put a little bit of light in me.
Our last family picture, taken Christmas 2009

If you've been with us all along you know this but a little about my day in and day out during the time Clark was here. Not to complain, just to preface my story that relates to dog poop. Clark was on two different antibiotics that needed to be hooked up three times a day, each running for one hour. Doing the math, that's literally around the clock, hooking and unhooking, alarms set to get up in the middle of the night and early in the morning. I'm no nurse so it was nerve racking for me, as well as hard to administer a substance that says "FATAL" and is double wrapped and sealed so you don't get any on your skin, and I'm pumping this through my brother's veins. He had several appointments each week, 45 minute drive each way in good traffic. While there, I spent a lot of time in waiting rooms because I couldn't go back with Clark because of the kids. The hospitals had the ban on kids because of illnesses and extremely immune suppressed patients. I was equally worried about my kids and what they might come across spending so much time in hospitals with people that are so sick. I also felt bad sending Clark back to these appointments alone, never knowing what confusing or heavy news he may be getting. Also, a few times a week were infusions, lasting a couple hours each. Sometimes we knew about them in advance, sometimes it was at moments notice. A nurse would come to the house in the morning, draw blood for labs, and call back results. Sometimes things looked good and sometimes it was "URGENT, critically low, don't shave or brush your teeth or trim your nails or stub your toe." We'd be out the door for the rest of the day. Sometimes we'd leave at 7:30AM and not get home until 8:00PM, when I would START making supper. I was also babysitting, not because I want to but because I have to. It's one of the few things I can do to earn a little extra money and still do everything else. So several days a week I would have three kids ages 2 and under. So, there's the duties of wife, mother, housekeeper, work, and caregiver. (WOW it seems like so much more writing it out and remembering than it was when we were in the middle of it all. Again, not to complain.) Yet my biggest stress and weight was of worry and helplessness. Watching Clark suffer and go through his daily struggles was so hard emotionally. I wanted to help him in anyway I could but I just couldn't.

Then there came a day when I didn't have to babysit, Clark didn't have appointments, and the sun was shining. I determined to set the day aside to be with my babies. They needed to be kids, have fun, be in the sun and get fresh air, crawl and run without being told they couldn't do that and getting a smearing of hand sanitizer every time they touch something. We went outside, they played, and as I listened to their giggles, I let everything else go. I was gaining so much perspective on life and what's really important and these were the moments that matter. It felt so good.

A neighbor that I don't regularly talk with came walking over so I knew something was up.
"Hey, how are ya doin?"
"Oh, life's crazy but we're alright."
"I was wondering if you could take your Christmas lights down. If you don't take them down, I will talk to HOA. They will serve you a notice so I thought I would just come talk to you first so you can get them down before that happens."
"Uh, (forced fake smile) sure!"
- Exit sunshine, laughter, and lack of worries.

Only hours later, the phone rings and we are again urgently out the door for an infusion. On my way out I see this neighbor talking to some of our other beloved neighbors. I don't know if the disgrace of our Christmas lights came up as I drove by or not. This is my only guess because when we got home, the lights were tied in a neat bundle sitting on our front step. How simple an act of service on their part, maybe taking 20 minutes of their time, how huge it was to us not to be burdened by Christmas lights right then.

So, we see poopers and scoopers, pointers and heroes. See a need fill a need. I only share these stories because I have been so touched by the service I have received from others. I want to be better and help meet others needs or lift their burdens, if only a little. I've noticed that when we do something without being asked, that we actually were asked, but it was by the spirit. When we serve someone else because the spirit asked us to, it is usually exactly what they needed. I hope and pray that I can be this person in someone else's life.

"And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God." -Mosiah 2:17

Friday, September 17, 2010

Blood Drive

We all know how much Clark's story impacted us while we were all in the heat of it. Keep it going! Hopefully always. Clark's life was saved many, many times through the selfless donation of others both in the form of organ and blood donations. We cannot all give an organ, but we can give blood and save lives . . . over and over and over again.

Hopefully you will take the opportunity do donate blood whenever you can. Here is another chance. Clark's stake is holding a blood drive. They are still awarding the "Super Clark Kimble Blood Drive Award" to the ward who has the most members donate. If you are not a member of this stake, you are still welcome to donate.

Saturday, September 18
9 AM - 2 PM
Lehi Utah Jordan River Stake Center
2161 W Grays Dr, Lehi, UT 84043
Clark with the award at their March Drive
where they had such a large turn out they had to
shut down early because they ran out of supplies.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I Cry

It catches up to me at night. I'm tired and worn out from the day. I'm laying still in bed. My mind is idle. That's when it catches me. Thoughts flood in, my heart aches, and tears flow freely.

I cry because I'm sorry for how he suffered. Pain, loneliness, fear, denial, worry.

I cry because I have so many regrets. This one hurts the most. I regret I didn't go to the hospital to visit more, that I didn't hug him more, that I didn't say "I love you" more, that I didn't sit and just BE with him more.

I cry because I'm mad! I want to scream, and grit my teeth, and punch something. I'm mad at Dr. H and scenes of the court hearing play through my head. Listening to this cold man convincing the judge he was a lost cause, at the same time watching Clark get sicker and sicker out of the corner of my eye, until he had to leave the room. I'm mad that Clark never got a chance to have the BMT. I'm mad that the system is so messed up to allow this.

I cry because I'm grateful. Grateful that he's not suffering. Grateful that he has touched so many people and changed their lives for the better. Grateful for his example to me of bravery, patience, faith, graciousness, and acceptance. I'm forever grateful for the donor of Clark's liver and his family, and for the precious year we had because of their priceless gift.

I cry for the past. Our childhood. Our fun times. This past year. I cry for the what if's and what might have been's. I cry because I know it was his time to go. We all exercised enough faith to keep him here, but it was not Heavenly Father's will, and nothing can change that.

I cry for the present. For the pain we all feel at his loss. For the pain so many others feel at the loss of their loved ones. For how near he still is, for now. He was here just two months ago. But soon that will change to half a year, then two years, then a decade. I hate that I'm getting used to my new normal.

I cry for the future. For the anniversary of that decade. I cry because my children will not know him. I cry for the children he never had, yet am grateful that none were left behind. I cry because no matter how hard I try, the memories will fade and blur. I cry because our future is without him here.

. . .
Tonight I cry because
I just. plain. miss him!

I miss his smile and laugh. I miss the smells and sounds in my house. I miss the car rides and meal times. I miss him from childhood. I miss his everything.

And then . . .
I can't cry anymore tonight. My checks dry. Each blink a little longer. I fall asleep in the wet of my pillow.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Super Clark Shirts

Today would have been Clark's 1st birthday. He said he had two birthdays, referring to the date of his liver transplant on Aug 6, 2009. So much has happened since then, only one year ago.

Many people across the country are now sporting the "SC" and a message to Live Super. If you haven't gotten your Super Clark shirt yet, we still have some. You can order through Paypal, mail me a check, or email me for pick up (klkimble@gmail.com).

I love wearing my shirt and especially love when I get asked by strangers what it means. My favorite part is the back, "LIVE SUPER" although it makes me sad because it was originally designed with "SAVE SUPER CLARK." My mother-in-law hosts a cousin camp every summer and this year their theme was "Live Super." They wore their SC shirts as a group and everywhere they went, people stopped them with questions. The kids were so excited to tell them about Clark. My cousin's little boy, Carter, came up to me on Sunday and said, "When I got my Clark shirt, I wore it for three days."

If you order 4 or more shirts I've been throwing in a few extra because shipping is less. Do not add extra to your cart because you will be charged for it. You can let me know what extra size you want by clicking "Add special instructions to the seller" on the left of the "Review your payment" page, or I will just throw in another of what you already ordered.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Clark's Maple

It has become a tradition in our family to plant a tree on my mom's property for each grandchild that's born. Clark's high school class, the Class of 2003, said that they would like to plant a tree in memory of Clark. We loved the idea and immediately went tree shopping. Clark didn't have a favorite tree that we knew of so we tried to think of another tree that might have some meaning. There was a beautiful Japanese Maple in front of Wing Mortuary in Utah but that species cannot grow in Watertown. We looked into other Maples and decided on a Fall Fiesta Sugar Maple. We were all a little weepy as we broke the ground, then planted the tree by the road. We offered a prayer for the tree, and for Clark's memories, to go on living and beautifying our lives. The tree has already caught the eye of neighbors who comment on it's beauty and how they appreciate it's symbolism. May it grow tall and strong and be a constant reminder to us that just as the tree lives, Clark does also.

Messages Across Heaven

I think that all who participated would agree that the balloon release on Clark's birthday was very meaningful. It gave us something to do to recognize his birthday, but more so for me, the gesture of releasing a balloon with a message to Clark into the heavens was very healing. We sang "Happy Birthday", then all let go together. It was neat to see the sky fill with green balloons and I watched until they were out of sight. As we all looked on together, I overheard Kate tell her kids that when you can't see them anymore, that means that Clark got them. Clark got many heartfelt messages from all over the country today. I know there were balloons released in Washington, Colorado, Las Vegas, St. George, South Dakota, and Lehi to name a few. Our cousin, Eric, who was also Clark boss, climbed a cell tower in Wyoming and released a balloon for Clark from the top of the tower. I've thought about the people who might find our messages scattered across the country, and wish they could only know the story behind our airborne notes. I know that my family will make this a tradition, sending balloon messages to heaven each year on Clark's birthday. Thank you Kate for the idea and for providing the balloons for our Utah release. Thank you too all the others who honored Clark on this day in any way you did, balloons, wearing your Super Clark shirt, thoughts, and prayers. Clark was and is well loved.

Ryan and Becky in Minnesota

At Clark's graveside in Watertown, SD.
I'm sure Hemi misses Clark more than we know.

The Utah release.

St. George, UT release.(If you have pictures you would like to share you can still email them to me and I would love to post them. Thanks! klkimble@gmail.com)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Happy 25th Birthday Clark!

I knew that this would be a hard day,
but I didn't think it would be my lunch that would break me,
bringing me to painful tears.

Happy Birthday little brother!
Clark's 21st birthday, 2006.

Clark, celebrating his 22nd birthday.

Celebrating Clark's 23rd birthday with
a dutch oven peach cobbler two years ago.

Clark's 24th birthday, just after the onset of his illness.
He was very yellow and was admitted to the hospital the next day.

Friday, July 16, 2010

T-Shirst Are In

T-shirts are here and they look great. I am so excited to wear mine as it is a symbol of Clark and bears a message that he would love to share - "LIVE SUPER!"

We are not trying to make money on the shirts, just making sure all expenses are covered, including packaging, shipping, PayPal fees, etc. They will cost $15 shipped and $10 for pick up. You can pay using PayPal for shipped shirts, and cash or check (made out to Kristin Purles) for pick up.

Pick up will be available in Utah only. We will have them at the balloon release on July 27 at Olympic Park in Lehi. After that you can pick up at our home. Email me for address and date/time - klkimble@gmail.com.

There are some kids sizes and plus sizes. There is a link to a size chart at the bottom of the page. Just as a reference, I wear an adult small and Kellen wears a large. Willow wears 3T clothes and the Youth XS was big on her - maybe for a 4 or 5 year old. Hope this gives you an idea.

Wear your shirt with pride and honor,
remembering that you represent Clark as you do.
He would want you to LIVE each day SUPER!

Balloon Release

I've been wondering what to do on Clark's upcoming birthday. I usually make him a Cheesecake a Red Velvet Cake or go up the canyon for dutch oven peach cobbler, but who would eat it? Thanks to Kate's suggestion, I am now looking forward to CELEBRATING it rather than dreading it.

On Clark's birthday, Tuesday, July 27th, we will be releasing balloons into the heavens. Anyone who would like to join us is welcome.

We will be releasing them in Utah at Olympic Park in Lehi at 6:25 PM sharp (the time of his birth. We are celebrating his life, not his death!). Please arrive early to fill your balloon, write a message, and get a Tshirt (if you want one - $10). I will be there at 5:45. Balloons will be provided by Kate. They will be green because that is the national color for organ donation (like yellow is for soldiers and pink for breast cancer).

In Watertown, if you would like to join in releasing a balloon, it will be at his graveside at the south end of Mount Hope Cemetery, at 6:25PM CST (the time of Clark's birth). Bring your own green balloon, with a message inside or tied to the string if you would like.

If you are not in one of these locations, or if you cannot make it at that time, feel free to release a balloon at your own convenience to celebrate with us. If you would like, take a picture, email it to me (klkimble@gmail.com), and I will post them on the blog.

Thank you Kate for the wonderful idea.
What a special day this will be!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Constant Reminders That You're Gone

I can cook fish anytime I want.
If I drop food on the ground, I have to pick it up.
I'm usually in bed by 10:30pm.
I'm behind on celebrity status'. I just learned what "JB" stands for.
I wonder how the bishop's doing?
Mail! Mail! Mail! Bills! Bills! Bills!
I closed your bank account this week.
I have fewer emails because of fewer comments on the blog.
Little to nothing to blog about.
Blog traffic is down 68%. Surprisingly it still gets over 100 hits a day.
I have a fridge full of purple G2, a pantry full of oatmeal, and I dumped out a whole jar of yogurt today.
I'm the new owner of a WII, an IPhone, a bottle of cologne, and a recliner.
Cell towers are everywhere.
SASH - Saline Antibiotic Saline Heparin
Facebook says it's been awhile and wants me to reconnect with you.
Willow says she saw you in heaven and you were happy.
I'm in communication with several people wanting to do news stories.
You now have an anniversary of death. June 11, 2010. Over a month already.
I haven't watched "Let's make a deal" for awhile.
They're building a Chick-Fil-A in the Meadows.
"I'm sorry to hear about your brother."
Your smell is still in the basement. Fading.
I have no use for an IV pole, a shower chair, or a blood pressure monitor.
I almost wrote your name on the temple prayer role, twice.
I love my new houseplants.
I hung a picture of you on the fridge, right next to dad's.
I went swimming, sat in the sun, and dug in the dirt, all in the same day.
While in Willow's room, I could hear Kellen talking on the phone downstairs, from his office.
I'm buying up everything "Superman" that I see.
I call your phone sometimes just to get your voice mail and hear your voice. Ironic that your message says, "Sorry that you've missed me." Most people say, sorry I missed you. But you got it right. I miss you!
Oop, just called again and it's now been disconnected. One more thing to miss.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Help Hayden Heal

Others have done so much for Clark and as I've said before, it has taught me who I want to be for others. Here is another in need. Five-year-old Hayden Cullimore needs a liver transplant. Even with good insurance, his family has been told to prepare to pay up to $200,000 out of pocket. To "Help Hayden Heal" his family has organized a benefit concert on July 19 at 7:00 p.m. at the Layton Amphitheatre. The concert will feature the local Utah famed trio Mercy River, nationally acclaimed Broadway tenor Dallyn Bayles (Phantom of the Opera), Jessie Clark Funk and recent organ transplant recipient and award-winning pianist Paul Cardall.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Don't Leave Us Yet

We have so enjoyed keeping this blog for many reasons. We have been impressed by the following Clark gained from close friends and family as well as strangers. As of today, we have had 14,452 absolute unique visitors, and a total of 86,258 visits. The blog's peak traffic days were transplant day, August 6, 2009 with 1,780 visits, and 2,871 visits on the day of his passing, June 11, 2010. That is incredible. What a support we (and Clark) have felt from you.

Before you stop checking in on the blog, know that we have a few posts left to share. We will post a summary of the funerals along with pictures and audio if possible, T-Shirt ordering information, a couple more news stories are in the works, and more. Of course, our posts will not be as frequent but we don't plan for this to be the end quite yet. And remember to continue posting your comments as we are going to print the blog into a book.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Rainy Days

C Words and Music by Cheryl Faye Larson Huntington, June 2010.
All rights reserved.

When I was just a boy,
My play outside was such a joy.
I’d pet the dog and ride my bike,
I’d climb the tree and fly my kite.
Unaware of danger near,
I kept right on, without a fear.
Life was good, and I was free.
Sunshine’s rays did smile on me.

But on those days when it grew dark,
My Mom would call, “Come inside, Clark.
A storm is brewing in the sky!”
Soon came the thunder’s roar
And lightning’s teeth outside my door.
I pressed my face to the window pane
And watched the falling rain.

Then Mama’d come and take my hand
She’d tell me, “Clark, my Little Man,
I promise that the sun will shine again.
I know it’s hard; it isn’t fun
To leave your toys today, but Son,
We’ll wait together ’til it’s done.”

She said, “This storm will surely pass.
Keep looking through this dismal glass,
And God will paint a rainbow,
bright and vast.
She told me about the pot of gold
We couldn’t see or really hold
And I believed the things that Mama told.

She taught me how to watch and wait;
That wishes don’t determine fate.
She built in me a true and lasting faith.
I understood her words so plain.
We pressed our faces to the pane.
Together, we watched the falling rain.

When I was twelve years old,
The rain beat down so fierce and cold,
And in that storm my precious father died!
My family knelt down and cried:
The rain outside fell from our eyes.
But we held hands through our pain
And watched the falling rain.

When I was twenty-four,
A final storm beat down on my door:
I could not tame that raging tide.
Despite attentive, loving care
And a world of faith and heart-felt prayers,
I said, “Alright: I’ve lost this fight.”
And I died that rainy night.

And as my Spirit took its flight,
I soared above the clouds in sight!
The One who held me close in His embrace
Said, “Now my Son, your mission’s done:
New life for you has just begun!”
With super speed we flew beyond the sun.

I looked below to see the earth:
The planet of my mortal birth.
I sent my love to everyone down there.
I saw it then: the rainbow’s end;
The pot of gold around the bend.
There we stopped, and I listened
to my Friend:

“The things your Mama taught to you
Are precious, Son, and they are true!”
Just wait right here, inside these
Pearly Gates.
And then I saw him, face to face:
My smiling father! We embraced!
There is no more falling rain!

We’re alright, no storms in sight!
No more rainy days and dreary nights.
No more rainy days—
Rainy days – and lonely nights!