They told us from the beginning that Clark’s status would be like a yo-yo. Yesterday we felt like the yo-yo was on its way up and hoped we would soon be holding it tightly in our hands again. Unfortunately, it didn’t make it that high and this morning the yo-yo is almost at the end of its string. First thing we heard when we walked in the door is that there’s a 90% chance that he will get the transplant. They do have time to be choosy on the liver they would accept to make sure it is a good match and in good health. As far as we understand it, if a healthy liver became available they would do the transplant.
They are doing an MRI right now which should take about 1 ½ hrs. This is to get a surgical view of his abdomen and the vasculature of his liver in preparation for transplant. He received two bags of plasma this morning because his liver isn’t producing enough clotting agents. His enzyme levels are lower by about half, but the INR and Pro Time are both up. The liver’s function is to process toxins. When you are in liver failure the body’s level of ammonia is higher which is hard on the brain. As the condition progresses, you become confused and have a slower thought process. This morning they asked Clark to count down from 100 by 9. It took him a little longer to get started but once he figured out the pattern he did fine. They also said his liver isn’t that big yet. Often times the liver will get so big that they look like they’re pregnant.
He said he is in more pain in his lower back today, probably due to the time in bed. The nurse took him for a 10 minute walk this morning and he did great. She encouraged him to take another walk later, maybe even outside. Clark was excited to find new buttons that adjust the bed. Hopefully this will help relieve some of his discomfort. Just before the doctor left his room this morning, he looked at Clark and said, “Things will work out!” Clark said he isn’t scared.
Micah, Clark's nurse, explaining the size of the liver to us after starting another bag of plasma.
Kristin and Clark
Mom and Clark
Huxley has been a big help with watching McLane so we can take turns visiting Clark. He even put him to sleep.
Words of encouragement and love from Ryan by cell phone.
Clark his way to get an MRI.
Your attitude and strength is amazing to me. Love ya!
Clark, The entire Schuchard clan is lifting you up in our prayers. We love you so very much! Adriann was home this weekend for Ashley's bridal shower. It was great to see her. I'll pass this blogsite on to BJ, as he just found out today and is, of course, very concerned for you. Max Mueller worked out here painting and doing yardwork all weekend. That's just gotta make you grin a little!! lol!
Ask mom if there's anything I can do around the house or yard for her. I'm "retired" now, ya know! ;) Randy has complete faith in the Lord and, also, in his dear "Clark Kent" that you will overcome this. We're all in agreement. Love, Susi
Hey Clark, Ligia and I are praying for you too. Sorry that we can't be out the to come see you. Remember the scriptures and keep in mind the atonement. Alma 7:11-13 talks about how the Savior took all things upon him so that he would know how to succor us in our moments of despair and trial. Keep the faith, we're rootin' for ya!
Hey Clark,
We love you man, and are praying for your speedy recovery. You were the center of our fast yesterday and we know there is great power in fasting. Remember to trust in the Lord and keep Him close to you. He will be your greatest strength in those darkest times. We'll be donating some blood this week!
Thanks so much Kristin for the update blog. Please let Clark know that we are all going in to donate blood in his name and praying that he doesn't need it. Lance is taking tomorrow off so he can go in, Desiree will donate as soon as she gets back to Gilette tomorrow and I am checking into it in Huron. We know what a fighter Clark is and hope that things continue on this upward trend!! You are in our prayers Clark. I know mom is yelling thats my boy over and over, if not out loud, in her heart. God bless you all - Roxie
Hey I just saw the email you sent me. What happened to Clark that he needs a liver transplant? Our prayers are with him, I hope that everything turns out ok. Please respond soon.
We don't know what exactly caused it. They say that the two most common causes of liver failure are a virus or medication overdose. Clark isn't on any medications so they were looking for a cause to have a virus. They have searched and probed and can't find one. The doctors said another common cause of liver failure that they have to settle on is "unknown".
We're all praying for you and your family, Kristin. I'm so sorry Clark - and all of you - are having to go through this.
I was reading your blog and linked to your brother's site. I hope everything turns out okay. I don't know if they will let me donate blood inyour brother's name here in Louisville, but as soon as I can donate again, I will be attempting. Your family is in my prayers.
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