If you’re interested, as of this morning the blog had been visited by 667 absolute unique visitors from 40 plus states and even other countries.
On Aug. 6, 2009 Clark underwent a liver transplant. He then faced a Bone Marrow Transplant but because of insuficient funding, and three denials from Medicaid, Clark lost his fight. He returned to his Heavenly Father(s) on June 11, 2010. We have documented his journey and continue to post updates. Thank you to everyone for your never ceasing prayers and support. If his story brings inspiration, strength, light, and knowlege into your life, then this travesty will not be in vain.
RHONDA I have been thinking of you all morning. Talked to Cheri this morning and she said Dave and boys were going to leave about noon to be with you. Please keep updated as how things are going. We will keep praying as Clark needs all the love and support we can give him. Love Linda and Dave
Hi Family! I am so happy to hear that so far everything seems to be going well. I will be following the updates throughout the day. I wish I could be there with you. God has been good and will continue to be with Clark during the surgery and recovery. Love you all! Becky
Ryan's pickup rolled past our house a few minutes ago, horn blazing as they went by. Big brother and crew are on their way! We are claiming Psalm 91 for their safe journey (including Bobby's) as well as Clark's successful surgery. Thank you Lord for your word of the Holy Bible that brings us comfort in our time of need. May the family whose selfless decision find comfort there as well, knowing that Clark's life has been renewed.
Clark, we all love you so dearly. It seems like yesterday that you boys were jumping endlessly on the trampline, gathering your things for a trip to the pool, throwing rocks for Trooper and simply doing those things that farm boys love to do. What precious memories. Even then, Randy always called you Clark Kent.......and now, look at you. There's a lot of life in store for you, my dear. God has plans...........
We are Thanking the lord for finding a liver for Clark and now just praying that he will guide the surgens hands We love you Clark! Cant wait to hear the words come from your moms mouth Thats My Boy just like we are at a wrestliing tournament and you won the match!!!! My family and I are cheering you on!
Love the Craigs
Rhonda and Kristin Thank you so much for doing this blog it has been a wonderful thing to keep everyone updated we are keeping all of you in our prayers love you All
Rhonda and family,
Many, many friends and family members are praying for the success of Clarks surgery. We anxiously await every update. God is soooo good and Clark is in His hands right now.
Peace of God be with you and yours!!
Kristin, I'm so sorry that your family is going through this right now. Thank Heavens they were able to find a liver for him! Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you at this time. If there's anything we can do, please don't hesitate to ask.
I truly think the lord was there with him and I am so happy he is ok. I'm a little upset I couldn't be there, kind of hard when you live in Tennessee. Anyway I love you very deeply clark and I am relieved you are ok see ya soon
I'm one of Clark's friend's sister. She's Andrea Pearson, I'm Lisa. Anyway, his story has really touched my heart. Thank you so much for sharing this!!!
I really appreciate those who choose to share their stories with others. It really helps us put perspective on life that can come in no other way.
It's really softened my heart.
I am planning on donating all our stuff we were going to put in our garage sale to his garage sale that the Lehi South Stake is doing for him at Bishop Sampson's business in Lehi.
We were going to use this stuff for us since I have thousands in medical debt and husband lost his job, but we feel that this is a more worthy cause.
I pray that he will be strong and live a long and full and happy life!
With Love
Lisa Pearson Frampton
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