This morning we were on our way to the hospital when the doctor asked us to pick up Clark's MRI from Timpanogos Hospital. While we had him on the phone we asked what the status was for the morning. He said that several of Clark's levels are down, which is good! Upon hearing this there were a couple hoots and hollers from the mother. We were all relieved to hear the news. Clark also said he feels better today than he did yesterday, although mornings are always better for him. Of course at this point things can still change quickly but it's better than yesterday's news when he was ready to go under the knife. At this point, if they received a call saying that they have a liver, they would decline it. It is better for Clark to recover on his own and not have the transplant. If he does, he will not have the trauma of surgery, lifelong meds and other effects, major expenses, or risk. He would also never have the chance of catching this again. Obviously this is the preferred recovery. He is still on the list in case it's needed but today we have a ray of hope that it's not!
He was able eat to half of his lasagna last night which is more than he's eaten in days. They said if he doesn't start eating, or even drinking shakes, they will have to insert a feeding tube to get him some calories. The doctor asked him to count down by 8 starting at 100 and Clark did it faster than any of us could have. His mind is still sharp which is a good sign.
Here are some of the levels they're watching and what Clark's were today:
Liver Enzymes - in the 2,000's
Normal - 50
Clark's was as high as 8,000.
Bilirubin - 23.5
Normal - 1
Doctors said this dropped by two which is good.
Pro Time (coagulation rate) - 41.9
Normal: 12-15
This number was getting worse everyday but has stabilized today. It hasn't gotten better but at least it didn't get worse.
What good news!! Keep up the good work Clark!!! I will keep you and all of your family in my prayers.
Yay yay yay!!! We are SO happy to hear the good prognosis from today. We love you, Clark!
Great News!! We will keep the prayers going. Keep fighting Super Clark!! We've got prayers going from all our friends and family and will keep them going!
Love, Aunt Marilyn
Kristin, thanks so much for taking care of this blog. Your love always shows.
Clark, you've put us all through the ringer, but that's just part of life. I'm so glad to hear your spirits stay high and that you're fighting. Praying for you, buddy. I love you.
Hi Kristen, This is a very good idea with the blog you came up with for Clark. Iam Loy's sister-in-law, Wanda and Loy has been keeping me in check as much as she can with all that has been going on. Make sure you greet Clark (even though I don't think I've seen him since SD State Fair days), and your mother too. I will continue with my prayers for Clark and all of you going thru this. You have all been on my mind alot lately. The blog is a wonderful way to be updated with what's going on and no exchange of the phone. I also have enjoyed looking thru the pics and recipes too! Thanks for including me on this and do take care as well. Always, Wanda Van Dyke
I'm so encouraged by the latest report on his numbers! Congratulations to Clark for the improvement and the ray of hope. I pray so earnestly that The Lord will grant this miracle for him.
We love you Clark...You have been on mine and Eric's thoughts 24\7 since you've been sick. We know you'll pull through this!!!
Hey spark! I've been thinking of you day in and day out. I remember the hours i spent in the hospital bed hoping that i would still be able to walk and have a normal life again. Thanks to everyones i had support and help that pulled me through those long days of scare and pain. I wish i could be there to give you a big hug. Remember how much we love you and to keep being strong. Love Ryan
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