Sunday night, nearly midnight and I was still at Clark's side. I believe the nursing staff knew I'd be leaving for South Dakota that next morning so they permitted me to stay a little longer past visiting hours tonight. I held Clark's hand as he quivered, shook, rolled his eyes, gasped for air, and wished for the first time saying "I gotta get out of here". It was so hard to see him having the reaction to the pain medication as it had to work its way out of his body. I knew I wouldn't see Clark for over a week due to my need to go back to SD, walking out of that room was very difficult for me. I ached knowing he'd be alone but in good hands. Lots of conditions could change, hopefully he will be sewn up, and even more so I am praying that his white blood cell count will begin to come up, all before I return. I rubbed his arm, assured him I loved him, then gave him a smile behind my mask as I walked away and waved good bye.
I got to the motel and asleep about 1:00 am. I awoke at 5:30 am, called the hospital to see how Clark's night had gone and learned that he had fallen asleep a couple hours ago and was still sleeping. I was so relieved. I decided not to go back to the hospital and let him sleep. I put on my SAME clothes from the day before, didn't even comb my hair (just crunched it up on top of my head with a clip), brushed my teeth and left for HOME.
SShhh don't tell Clark or he may not let me come back to the hospital. I didn't care cause I was going to be traveling and didn't want to impress anyone, I just wanted to hurry and get going. I left at 6:01 AM from Utah and arrived at home in SD at 11:22 PM. WHEW, pretty long trip alone but I pushed, and I pushed hard. I knew I had a lot to do when I got home. I stopped for gas and potty only 3 times, grabbed a burger once, and kept on going. Great trip!

As I pulled out of the valley of Utah I prayed for a watchful eye over Clark. I KNOW Clark has felt the warmth of our Heavenly Father's hand personally. I also know Clark will be well taken care of by the staff at U of U. I asked Clark who he would want me replaced with while I'm gone and he said without thought, "The Bishop". I know too, that Bishop Sampson has a deep and personal love for Clark and he will do all a mother can while I'm away.
Thank you Bishop Sampson!
I will be calling the hospital a few times daily for updates while I'm in SD. I was informed that Clark's white blood cell count has gone up 1 point, yippee! Not a lot but we will take it. Drs said it may come up slow at first and then take a big jump. We can only pray for that to happen. They said he is comfortable but seems a little depressed already. Kristin will be visiting him through Wednesday. But then she and her family will also fly home to SD for the BIG 100 YEAR BIRTHDAY BASH for my father. Again, we hope to include Clark by web cam if we have no technical difficulties. I'm hoping for a joyful celebration with my dad on his 100th birthday!
I'm such a lucky person! I have been blessed with the most wonderful father. He is our pioneer, he is our leader, he is who we represent, its his name we bear and its his spirit we want to magnify through our actions. We are LARSON'S and that blood runs very solid in our veins. As we sleep in tents on Friday and Saturday nights in Summit, SD I will end my days by giving thanks for my father's and my son's lives. Being in Summit, (the highest peak) I won't have to scream to my Father in Heaven as I initially did in Utah, but feel he will be able to hear my whisper.
Enjoy the wonderful men in your life Rhonda!!! :) Enjoy yourself but try to keep us updated if things change! Good to hear that Clark is doing well :) God bless.
Good Morning, Clark.
Hope this day will bring you yet another step closer to restored health. Keep moving forward with purpose. With continued blessings from Heavenly Father and your strong will, you can do it!
Even though your family won't be there with you for a few days, you are never alone. The Spirit of the Lord is always with you and you remain in the prayers and thoughts of your many friends and family.
"Friendship, of itself a holy tie,
Is made more sacred by adversity." John Dryden
Hey clark..its rachelle. not sure if u remember me. I used to date Myls a longggggg time ago. My maiden name is Hauck. Keep fightin this tough battle, seems to me like your a strong person & you can do this. I hope God allows you many more years, you deserve it. Keep strong bud....and dont ever lose hope.
Hi Clark, It's very heartwarming to read all the wonderful comments made by so many people for you. You have a wonderful & strong family & your faith in God to help you through this trying time. I haven't seen your family for awhile but have been kept updated by my daughter & friends, I am Nancy Hauck and have worked at the Boys & Girls Club in Watertown for 11 years and have alot of memories of your younger brothers. I will be praying for your speedy recovery.
Morning Clark. Came across this interesting story and thought you might want to hear it.
Two men from Maryland had fatal liver diseases. A 64 year old man’s liver was producing an abnormal protein causing paralysis and damaging his heart. A 74 year old man was gravely ill with another disease.
A liver was found for the man whose liver was producing the abnormal protein and a transplant was performed.
Here's the interesting part.....rather than discarding the diseased liver (producing the abnormal protien) they gave it to the 74 year old who was very near death. In fact, by the time he got the transplant, ammonia had built up in his blood to the point he didn't know his wife.
Doctors say the abnormal proteins will not cause symptoms (in the recipient) for at least 30 years. Since he’s 74, it will probably work out ok. ;)
The transplants took place in 2005. Three years later, both of the men were living healthy, happy lives.....lots of fishing, boating and camping.
See what you have to look forward to? If these old guys can do it, so can you!
Hope you have a great day!
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