The cheer is still going on in the surgery room. Everything is going very well. They were taking Clark's liver out while we were on the phone. He said, "Clark's liver is small, not as bad as they have seen but then again he hasn't had years of abuse to it either". I understand it takes longer to get the old one out than to put the new one in, however we are anticipating several hours yet. I asked what kind of music they are listening to and they said, "a variety", then I warned them, "NO rapping". HAHAHA I did ask if I sent my camera to the surgery room if they'd take a picture of Clark's liver and they said they will see what they can do. So you just might be seeing it too.
It will be approximately 2 hours before I report again. Now is a good time to take a potty break, get a snack, or walk the dog. We know several people are watching for frequent updates today and we will give them as soon as we get them. It feels great to lighten the air with a little humor.
Glad to hear everything is going well.
Thank heavens (literally)I know I will hear it from Utah to SD when Clark crests the top of his mountain! Go Clark!!!!!
Really glad to hear everything is going well. We are keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers. We will be awaiting the next update. We love you and wish we could be there with you.
All of our love,
Joey & Angela
a little humor...hmmm...let's see. I know! Let's tell a story "on" Adriann (since I know that she's watching like a hawk.) Nearly a month into Adriann's "ordeal" and she still couldn't tell us where she was. She'd answer with anything BUT the hospital in Tulsa. One afternoon, she had been having her normal hallucinations (which, thankfully, were friendly ones) in which she was petting an imaginary cat. "I need to use the bathroom," she announced. She still couldn't walk on her own so my neice and I each took a side and escorted her to the restroom. She sat there for a long time just staring into space. I finally asked, "Adriann, what are you doing?" She responded, "I do my best thinking in here." Through our laughter, I decided that it was an excellent time for the "location" question. She assertively informed me that she was "in the big pink hospital on Yale...about 2 miles from her condo." Praise the Lord!! She's healed!! With shiney eyes, we got her back into her bed. At which point, she looked around the room and asked, "Now, where'd that cat go?"
Keep looking for reasons to smile and the Lord will provide them. ;)
glad everything is going well!! thanks for the updates it helps to know how things are going and how everyone in the family is hanging in there
I am glad things are starting to look up and you are able to have a few laughs. Our thoughts and prayers are continuously with you and your family! We will be checking for updates later!
Liz (Hoefert) Snyder and family
We are so happy that things are going well. We continue our prayers for you Clark! We love ya!
Love, Shane, Beth and Kids
Glad for the good news! Let us know if you need anything.
April, Elliot and Tate
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