After the visitation restriction was placed and intubated again, it’s been hard to come up with updates since things remain pretty much the same as far as Clark’s condition goes. He is showing slight improvements daily, yet the fact that he is still open after the 15 hour transplant on August 06 holds back the encouraging improvements we are looking for such as eating, drinking, walking about, and not to forget his discharge from the hospital. Clark has undergone eight surgeries so far. These are full blown surgeries where he is medically paralyzed and under anesthesia, then goes to the surgery room for approximately 2 hours for a routine flush and examination of the area. We are thankful for this new method of “vacuum packing the incision” rather than closing him with stitches as you can see it has been necessary many times to re-enter his belly to assure all is healthy before final closure. Clark has had nearly nothing to eat or drink by mouth since July 15, as he was so terribly sick with vomiting prior to his hospitalization on July 28th (the day following his 24th birthday). He has been bed ridden on his back since August 05, only being allowed to shift slightly from side to side by the support of pillows to avoid bed sores. We are anticipating a few more routine surgeries before the swelling goes away and allows the skins to be pulled together enough for closure.

Since things are moving along rather slow but positive right now, I felt it appropriate at this time, to introduce Clark to those many unknown new friends of Clark’s who have been following his blog.
Thank you for doing so. Clark was born on July 27, 1985. He is one of eight children, totaling 7 boys and 1 girl. In order: Ryan Yoder, Kristin Purles, Clark, Myls, Wyatt, Fletcher, Bjorn, and Huxley. Clark’s father (Dr. Jim Kimble, a veterinarian at Lake Area Vet Clinic in Watertown) passed away in June of 1998 after suffering a massive heart attack at our home. Clark was a good student and a terrific wrestler. We hoped he would continue wrestling through out his high school years but with the strong work ethic Clark possessed, he quit wrestling to take on employment at Premier Bankcard where I currently work now.

After graduating from Watertown High School, Clark immediately moved to Salt Lake City, Utah. He began working for my nephews who own Larson Towers. It didn’t take long for Clark to prove his ability to work hard by not only climbing the communication towers but climbing also in skill and leadership. Clark was promoted to Crew Chief in no time, taking on a huge responsibility with his crew constructing new cellular towers, inspecting existing towers and updating where needed, or hanging satellites systems on exiting towers. Clark traveled all over the USA to provide communication for many of us who enjoy cell phones, etc. So next time you drive down the road and see those huge, tall towers with the flashing red beacon, Clark just might have been a part of it. Clark lives in Saratoga Springs, Utah, just one mile from his sister Kristin, and about 45 minutes away from the hospital in SLC. He is currently single but looking for his future wife. We have tried hooking him up with a few of the fine nursing staff at the hospital. Clark (and family) are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Clark enjoys watching sports both on TV and attending local events when possible. He loves the Atlanta Falcons and adores Lebron James. He also follows The Jazz. Clark owns 8 Italian Greyhounds, 5 of which are puppies and ready to be sold the end of the month. Anyone looking for a dog???

Clark has been a fabulous son. I’m so sorry he has had to suffer and take on this life changing illness. I know he can and will endure if he stays close to and follows our Saviors plan for him. To those we know or don’t know Clark, I want to encourage you to continue joining us on this long journey as it lightens our load knowing many of you are carrying the burden with us and your prayers will forever be appreciated. May we all become more like our Savior through the sacrifices we make at this time. Also, thank you to our friends who have taken food to our home in SD, given gifts of money, donated blood, become an organ donor, or helped in various other ways. We are still waiting to hear back from the Transplant Organization as far as fund raising or gifts of money to help Clark with the incredible expense he will face. As for now, the generous gifts of money that has already been sent to “me” to help with my expense, has been set aside for Clark. I am doing fine in that respect. I am staying with my daughter Kristin who lives 45 minutes away from the hospital. I now have my own vehicle to travel back and forth with. Luckily I was able to build a savings account that allows me to endure emergencies such as this without worry. My job at Premier Bankcard is secure as they are allowing me to use sick time while away.
I will be returning to SD some time next week to be a part of a HUGE, 3 day (August 28th, 29th, and 30th in Summit, SD) celebration for my father who will be 100 years young on August 27. My father is still very active, lives on our family farm in Summit under t

he care of my brother Blaine and his family, and still plays his accordion. The celebration will include my father playing his accordion while we dance and celebrate having been given 100 years with him. You can be sure that we will also include the new “Happy Liver Dance” which is one of the top hits on XM 20 on 20. If you wish to personally join us you are welcome to come to the Summit Community Hall on Saturday, August 29th beginning at 6:00 PM. Clark is disappointed that he will not be able to attend but through web cam, he will be included. I will possibly find it necessary to then return to Utah to be with Clark following my trip home for a few days.
I'm still here...can' find my password to comment personally. I've been gone more than I've been home as we prepare for BJ and Ashley's wedding on the 29th. Our prayers continue to echo Clark and the Kimble family's names...
With love, Susi
The happy liver polka, if grandpa has anything to do with it! ;) Still prayin'...
Im glad things are still moving forward! It may be a little slow, but its forward. I get a little nervous when i dont see anything for a day or so! Clark is a good person and God put him here for a reason. He has changed peoples lives in many ways over the last month, may be small ways but he has made a difference in mine ever since ive known him! But we do continue to pray for him, and if Clark hasnt changed, he will be flirting with the nurses in no time! *hug* Miss you Clark!!!!
Clark and family,
You don't know me. However, through this blog I feel that I've gotten to know you. I follow it daily; cried and dance alongside you. You are so brave and srong words can't explain! Continue to heal, I and so many are thinking and praying for you and your recovery! You have given me so much, another reimnder of our Savior at work!!
Always thinking of and praying for you!
I knew Clark in high school and i have been following this blog everyday. I feel like i am a part of this. Seeing your ups and downs. Clark is a strong guy and he can endure. Please let me know if there is anything i can do here in Watertown,SD to help if there is a fundraiser coming up. My family and I would love to help you all out. =)
Tanizha Berg
Thanks for sharing Clark's story
Clark and family,
I think of you and pray for you daily and often throughout the day. Thank you so very much for keeping this blog for all of us! You are all an inspiration! Keep fighting Clark! We are fighting with you!
Love and prayers,
Megan (Simley) Johnson
Sioux Falls,SD
Yes, thanx for sharing Clark's story. I've only met him once I think and so it's difficult to feel as connected, having been married into this family. But I so look forward to learning more about him and about the family during Grandpa's birthday. Know that I love you all and keep you in my thoughts and prayers as well.
Btw, just curious how much he wants for a puppy?
I to just want to thank you for sharing more about Clark. As me and my family to have cried, rejoiced with you as well from reading this blog. I do have a daughter who lives in Salt Lake and happens to be single ;) she graduated a couple of years ago from BYU.
Pat and Natalie Williams
Miami, Florida
I've been meaning to send you a message. You and your family are in my thoughts. Hope things are looking up for your family. Please let me know if there is anything I can do back here in south dakota. I know that you probably have a lot of people helping but please know that I am here.
Thanks for the update on the blog.. that's great. Hard to read at times, it just breaks my heart to think about. I can't imagine what you and your family are going through.
I wish that there was something that I could do so please let me know!
your story makes me life live to the fullest
thnks for your good information.and i hope u will update every day. :D
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