Clark's condition is still stable today. He has been eating a little bit better and drank three Ensures so far today. He hasn't thrown up since the day he was transferred on the 30th. In preparation for the transplant, he started receiving antibiotics to prevent infection during surgery. He has been receiving sugar water because he isn't eating. Because of this, his body is trying to equalize and his sodium level dropped. They put him on a water restriction of 2 liters per day and want him to increase his salt intake. He was seeing spots and had double vision starting last night. His abdomen looked distended this afternoon. I don't know if this is because he's bloated or because his liver is getting bigger. He noticed that he is slow to remember things and was told he would have some short term memory loss during this time. All this is to be expected as his condition worsens.
They have been watching Clark’s INR, which is the level that best determines whether or not Clark could improve on his own. They said they have given his liver what they consider sufficient time to turn around and it has proven that it won’t. They said that a liver transplant has over a 90% success rate! At this point a transplant is definitely going to happen as soon as a healthy liver becomes available. He is still #1 on the list in a five state region. We talked to the transplant team who told us they declined one liver today. I don't know the details of why except for they want to wait for a better one. Thankfully they have that time. They said that the incision would be from about where the ribs separate down about an inch, then at an angle toward each hip. Bishop Sampson said it's a beautiful scar and described it as a Mercedes symbol. A man who had a liver transplant 17 months ago came to visit patients today. He asked Clark if he had any questions or wanted to talk about anything. He said it took him 6 months to recover fully and he lost 100 pounds in the process. Clark found it interesting and comforting to talk with him.
Clark is still upbeat and has a positive attitude. He appreciates the outpouring of love, support, and encouragement.
Clark on the phone with Blake. Because he's in the ICU he is only supposed to have one visitor back at a time. He decided to take a little walk and come out to the waiting room so we could all visit him at the same time. We fed him well while he was out with some Cheese Its and Oreos.

Huxley trying to get Willow down for a nap.

This is the best he could do in a waiting room.

Nap time for everyone.

Loy and Mindee drove through the night from South Dakota and arrived earlier today.

Still watching and praying. Rest well, Kimble clan.
Dear Rhonda and family,
We are so sorry for this trial. We are very sad but the picture of Clark on the phone looked very encouraging today. It looks like Josh yaking on the phone. We're always glad to see that. We are storming the gates of heaven for you Clark and we will not stop!!!
From The Kansas Kimbles
(Andy, Ann, Josh, and Miranda)
Loy, you are amazing! I know your full schedule and the endless demands on your time and talents here at home. And yet, after a full day of labor and stress, you single-handedly drove the long road from South Dakota to Utah without driver-relief through the night to bring Rhonda's car to her, along with your loving support and good cheer--and Mindee--who is kind to help Fletcher babysit. I do have two beautiful, strong, wonderful sisters! My love and appreciation is with both of you.
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