We are going on 12 hours for this transplant. WHEW WHO! PRAISE THE LORD OUR PRAYERS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED. Hear our rejoicing Lord. We shout with thanks and relief. The vessel has been connected and I screamed to waken those left in this waiting room. OUR SON will survive. I agreed to accept the ups and downs yet these last hours have been long. Stomachs had become queezey, nerves had caused a chill into our bodies. But we have passed the test, the doctors remained at Clark's side for 12 long hours so far. Only the liver replacement has been completed so sewing Clark back up is still left. Then it will be some time before we can see Clark and we will patiently wait. This facility is amazing. We have been treated with respect, kindness, security, and trust in their care. We had almost become petrified in our chairs as we were so concerned about the difficulty the Drs. were experiencing. But now we move about like ants as joy and relief excite us. I know the Lord loves Clark as much as this nation and he conquered the first part of the transplant. We again promise to accept the bumps to come in the next few days. We will serve Clark to the best of our capacity and glory as his eyes open and his smile assures us of his love for us. We have trusted in the hands of our Savior to guide the hands of the surgeons to the end. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. 
Tears of joy! Catching composure after hearing the news
that the attachment was successful.
that the attachment was successful.
Please pass the popcorn. WHEW WHO!!!
Step outside. You'll hear me from SD and all the other states!
Step outside. You'll hear me from SD and all the other states!
We are doing the Happy Liver Dance. Crank up the volume!
On your feet everyone, join in the celebration!!!
On your feet everyone, join in the celebration!!!
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh....we're dancing right along beside you!! (Don't look at Randy. I'm a bit embarrassed for him! ha!)
THANK YOU, LORD!!!!!!!!!
Praise the Lord!! We are dancing and screaming in Kansas too!! Love you guys!!
Dancing and Praise here too!! Nick and I have been staying up for this update!
It's a good night!
Love and prayers to you all!
All of us are cranking up the music and dancing the Happy Liver Dance!!! We love you all so much!
Love, Shane, Beth, Skyler, Katrina, Trey and Alanna
I am doing the Happy Liver Dance of Joy right along with you from St. George. Wow... beautiful, gifted surgeon hands!
God bless this doctor, the team, and the U of U!
Rhonda you have been a glorious warrior for your son.
God Bless, and keep praying for a smooth recuperation for Clark.
Thank the Lord. I am so dancing too!! Luckily no one can see me. I am suppose to tell you that I have been in contact with Scott Gulden on Facebook he wanted me to tell you he is praying for you all. Rhonda I have always admired you for the wonderful mom you are, please know that I am thinking of you and I really wish I could do something to help you and your family, you are all wonderful people. I love you all and will still keep you in my prayers. All my kids are watching waiting also. I hope you can get some well deserved rest now. Will keep checking in on you.
Kim and family
We have been waiting for this GREAT news!! We love you all!!
Joey, Angela, Katelyn & Joseph
THANK THE LORD!!!!! Casey just got a big smile on his face and stared laughing at me when i got up crying and dancing my son thinks i am a little crazy too oh thank the lord! What a great song i can just see you guys all dancing around!!!! I can hear you in Wyoming and have a smile ear to ear!!!!!!
love you all and god bless!!!
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this time. I am constantly checking this blog to see the progress. Jesus is guiding the hands of the surgeons, and the rest of the medical team during this critical time. He is also watching over all of you. God bless you.
Yay! Congratulations on a successful transplant! I am a member of Clark's ward but have been out of town and just heard about this today. I know that many people in the ward are praying for him and his recovery. I just wanted you to know that I am praying for him and your family as well and that his name was added to the prayer roll of the Las Vegas temple today. Thank you for keeping everyone updated. Our thoughts and prayers are with you Clark and your family.
Heather Connell
Wow! I am so happy to hear this news. Thank you so much for keeping us all updated on the operation. I have been refreshing my screen over and over anticipating an update. This update is the one I have been hoping for all day. I am so happy for you Clark. Now I pray that you may have a speedy recovery.
Rhonda & Family-
That is the best news we could have gotten before going to rest for the night! If you have ever seen Dick & Lois dance - they are doing the best dance of their life in Clark's honor tonight!!! If Schucard's are dancing too I think I may go to the neighborhood and get some priceless video footage that is UTube worthy:)!!!!
As my children stand by my side reading Clark's story it raises many questions. Many of the answers include our great God is helping!
May you enjoy the celebration of the new life Clark has been given! We realize it will be a long and difficult path but one that will be taken with much love and support from the good Lord, wonderful, caring family and many praying friends!
God Bless You and your entire family tonight and always! Praise God for his goodness!!!!!
JoLynne Mack & Family and Dick & Lois Heyn
I would say those are some very lovely and skilled hands!!! Let the dancing begin!! We are rejoicing with your family - prayers have been answered.
Bill and Liz Markley
To everybody, We are dancing here in Washington State also. We thank you Lord for getting Clark this far. We know you can heal him. We will be waiting to hear when he is awake and smiling. Our love & prayers continue for all involved.
Claudia & Bobby
THAT"S YOUR BOY!!!!!! Best News EVER!!!! Love you guys and dancin in "Huron. Thank you Lord!!
Thank goodness he is alright. You are right our prayers have been answered. Thanks for doing this blog, so that we were able to follow along with the progress. Hope everything will continue to go upwards.
Ron and Juanita Gullickson
Doing the happy dance in Nebraska!
Were all doing the happy dance!! I was waiting for this awesome news! We're praying for you Clark and hope for a speedy recovery. We love you all!
Great news for your family. I hope the recovery goes as well as the surgery!
It's raining in ND.....all the angels in heaven (and the Bischke's) are shedding great BIG tears of joy for Clark and the Kimble and Larson families!
What a blessing to live in this great nation, under God, where medical miracles are possible!
Rest now, Super Clark and let your magnifcient powers be restored!
Uplifting excerpts from selected verses of Ezekiel 18:
4: Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine . . .
28: He shall surely live; he shall not die. . .
9: He shall surely live, saith the Lord God.
Miracles Do Come
"I delight in the Lord's mercies and miracles (see "Bless Our Fast, We Pray," Hymns, no. 138). I know that His tender mercies and His miracles, large and small, are real. They come in His way and on His timetable. Sometimes it is not until we have reached our extremity. Jesus’ disciples on the Sea of Galilee had to toil in rowing against a contrary wind all through the night before Jesus finally came to their aid. He did not come until the "fourth watch," meaning near dawn. Yet He did come. (See Mark 6:45-51.) My testimony is that miracles do come, though sometimes not until the fourth watch."
Susan W. Tanner, "My Soul Delighteth in the Things of the Lord," Ensign, May 2008, 83
The Key to Heaven
“Prayer is your personal key to heaven. The lock is on your side of the veil."
Boyd K. Packer, "Personal Revelation: The Gift, the Test, and the Promise," Ensign, Nov. 1994, 59
That We May Overcome
"Because Jesus Christ suffered greatly, He understands our suffering. He understands our grief. . . . Sometimes the very moments that seem to overcome us with suffering are those that will ultimately suffer us to overcome."
Joseph B. Wirthlin, "Come What May, and Love It, Ensign," Nov. 2008, 27
Great news to hear. Now we may rest our heads. We will be dancing and counting sheep. We love you and can't wait to see you soon. Love all of us from South Dakota. We have been keeping Grandpa Joe informed. Remember God really does miraculous things and this IS one of them. Great job Clark
The Larson Gang
This is exciting, great news!! It's another one of God's miricles:) Thankfully God was looking out for the Kimble family throughout everything
Awesome news provided by an awesome God!!!!!!!!! We are saying prayers of thanksgiving and happy dancing along with you.
Andrew, Ann, Josh, Miranda
Oh that is such great news! I am so happy! I will continue to pray for all of you...and I hope he recovers well!
Kristin Walder
Thank God for the gift of life. Rejoice in the Lord with the happy liver dance. I love it.
WOO HOO!!!:) I knew you could do it. Tell Clark being put back together in strange ways is no big deal. I had to have my pancreas removed last year and nothing is attached in the same way, but your body can do amazing things to heal itself. Just keep fighting and we'll kepp praying!
The Greenwood Center where Ana Bischke works is celebrating. Way to go Clark! We are so happy for you all. Keep us updated!
Greenwood Pediatrics
This is wonderful news! How amazing!
tears of joy stream down my face how sweet god has a plan and i know its a very good plan for clark :)
I slept very uneasy last night after reading the 6:45 update. I am so thankful everything went well. Tears on joy on this end!! -Kim Hattrup
Our prayers have been with Clark and your family, relatives and friends. We are so happy for the good news. Just reading this has been such a tear-jerker, a reminder of God's marvelous blessings.
Kathryn Reyes (friend/daughter to Cheryl Huntington)
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