After talking with the financial department at the hospital, we learned that receiving donations through an organization is best to avoid being dinged with taxes. NFT is a nonprofit organization, so direct donations to NFT are tax deductible. The foundation will keep a small percentage (whish is much less than taxes would be) but they will also match funds. Many businesses or places of employment will also match your donation. The National Foundation for Transplants has written this beautiful letter on Clark's behalf. I have provided a link if you would like to print it. You can also share it with the media to raise awareness in your community (if doing a fundraiser) about Clark's needs.

Print Clark Kimble's Appeal - This will open a Google Document. Download it first, then print.
Dear Friend,
What if you were living on borrowed time?
Clark Kimble is fighting for his life. This 24-year-old has always been the picture of health. But in July 2009, he became ill and was admitted to the hospital. After a series of tests, he was diagnosed with fulminant hepatic failure, a life-threatening liver disease. Doctors told Clark a liver transplant was his only hope for a second chance at life. Clark was immediately placed on the transplant waiting list at the University of Utah Hospital. His health quickly began to decline and the situation became dire.
Thankfully, Clark received his lifesaving transplant in August 2009. Although he is thankful for his new lease on life, he still faces a long road ahead, both physically and financially. In fact, Clark remains hospitalized as he recovers. He has undergone eight surgeries so far connected to his transplant.
Clark is one of eight kids and has been surrounded by family during the ordeal. His mother left her home in South Dakota to help care for him and will be traveling back and forth until he makes a complete recovery.
Despite his struggles, Clark is optimistic about the future and is grateful for the support of his friends and family. He looks forward to going back to work, exercising and having his life return to normal. But he needs your help.
Unfortunately, Clark’s hope for a new life comes at a very high price. A liver transplant costs approximately $500,000. And that’s only the beginning. Even with medical coverage, Clark faces significant expenses. For the rest of his life, he will need follow-up care and daily anti-rejection medications. The cost of post-transplant medications can range from $2,000 to $5,000 per month—and they are as critical to his survival as the transplant itself.
What if your life depended on the compassion and generosity of others?
The National Foundation for Transplants (NFT) is working with volunteers and supporters to help relieve the growing burden of expenses for Clark and his family. NFT has been assisting transplant patients with advocacy and fundraising support for 26 years. Your gift—of $25, $50, $100 or more—will enable NFT to provide Clark with the financial support he desperately needs.
You can help in the following ways:
• Send a tax-deductible donation in the self-addressed envelope using the enclosed donation form, via check or credit card. Please make your check payable to NFT Utah Liver Fund. Remember to write “in honor of Clark Kimble” on the memo line.
• Visit to make a secure online donation. Click on Patients We Help and search for Clark Kimble.
If you have any questions about NFT, feel free to contact the NFT staff at 800-489-3863.
Many Thanks,P.S. What if Clark were your son? Your grandson? Your brother?
i have made a copy of this letter and put Clarks picture on it as well. I am gonna make many copies to put around Watertown. =) i know there are lots of people that are gonna want to help out in anyway they can. =)This is the best way to let our community that Clark grew up in know of whats going on and ways to help =)
Tanizha Lauseng
God bless you and your family clark.
My dad had a liver transplant last august so i can relate. I want to pass it on that everyone should be an organ does make a difference. Because of organ donation my dad and clark have been given another chance at life!!
Traci Hanes
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