Friday, January 1, 2010

Qualifying Donors Named

The names of the boys that match as bone marrow donors for Clark have been announced. Both Wyatt and Bjorn have matching bone marrow for Clark and are willing to do what ever is needed if and when the time comes for a transplant. Clark continues to need transfusions weekly but there is some improvement with the levels. We continue to hope and pray that a BMT will not be needed. Doctors are not in a hurry to make that decision at this time as the blood is the last thing to stabilize after transplants. However, we are hoping a decision will be made some time in February. Bjorn was a bit nervous in even getting his blood drawn for the test but knows he can step it up if needed. Wyatt on the other hand says he is ready anytime. If a BMT is needed, they will do some secondary tests on each of these boys to decided which ONE will donate. We are behind you all the way boys, each one of you.


Stephen said...

You guys are heros in my book.

Bart said...

Way to go Wyatt and Bjorn. Your the best and what you are doing is the greatest gift you will ever give. Love ya Bart