Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Good News

Just a quick update before I hit the hay. Clark was sewn up completely down to the tissue. He was also sutured shut on one side but the other is still open. They were able to find the bile leak and repair it. They removed one drainage tube but left two in just in case there is another leak but right now they are clean and dry. Clark was able to be extubated right away and is feeling relatively well. Of course he is in some pain and wheezing as he breathes but that's to be expected. He received another dialysis immediately after surgery. All his levels are improving. There are pictures of his incision but we don't feel this is the time to share them yet. Clark has not seen them himself. Overall we are very pleased with today's surgery and hope that only one more remains, to sew him up completely!

Thank you to everyone who has been praying for him all along and especially those who have fasted along with us today. I know our prayers were answered.


Ashley Blanchard said...


Unknown said...

that is excellent news! I am so very happy to hear it! :) Keep on goin Clark!!! You are not on the incline anymore! Time to start taking it easy and heal. God is with you, we keep praying and Im really excited for you to be able to go home! :) Much love

Anonymous said...

yay!! Thanks for the update...

Unknown said...

Thanks for the update! Clark, we look forward to hearing more good news on your progress in the near future. This day has been a long time coming. You will continue to be in our prayers, and I just want to let you know what an example you are to us all. Having been through similar, but far less extreme circumstances, I know that when you look back at this event in your life, you will remember what a struggle it was. But, as the days pass by, and your life gets closer to the way it used to be, you will forget how bad it really was. You will remember some of the pains you suffered and some of the feelings you felt, but they will become faint. However, you will never forget the magnitude of the love and support you felt from your loved ones, including the love you felt from your Heavenly Father. Each day we live is a blessing, and an opportunity to better ourselves. This experience will be something we can all learn and grow from. It saddens me to see you suffer, but I know through your faith, the prayers of your loved ones, and through your determination, you will make it through this test. We love you, and look forward to seeing your progress in the coming days.

Bart said...

Great news. You have been fighting the good fight Clark and you are winning. I continue to pray and wish you all the best, keep it up. God is watching over you along with all those who pray and keep you in their hearts. Looking forward to the next step, you walking out of there and going home. Love ya Bart

Janeanne said...

Major progress....great job, Clark! And, thanks Heavenly Father for Thy mercy and blessings! God is Great!

Hope you got some good rest last night, Superman.

Thomas Edison said: Nearly every man....works up to the point where it looks impossible, and then he gets discouraged. That's not the place to become discouraged.

I know it's been a long haul, Clark and you have been so strong and determined. You've experienced the worst of this situation. Just in case that didn't sink in...I'll say it one more time.

The worst is OVER!

Do not be afraid. It all gets better from here. Now is the time for increased determination. Keep seeking after life's simple joys.....tasting, feeling the sunshine on your face, standing on your own two feet......

Everyday you are getting stronger and stronger.

We love you. This day IS good!

Timberly Lunde (Boettcher) said...

I'm so happy to hear that you've been sewn up. Praise be to God! Keep your chin up, you've been doing great! :)

Eric & Kate Larson said...

We just love you and are soooo very happy that you are sewn up for the most part...What a HUGE milestone. You have proved to make it through whatever comes your way!!!

April said...


Karla said...

Hoooray is right! This day HAS been a long time coming. What a sigh of relief for you and everyone around you. Now it's walking the halls, building strength and heading to Applebee's.

Dinners on me ;-)

Oh Happy Day!


Karla said...

YAH!!! I'm excited this is GREAT news. Keep on goin Clark you are doing awesome.

Anonymous said...

Yay Clark! God Bless! Keep up your Superhuman fight!
Love and prayers!
Megan (Simley) Johnson

Janeanne said...

Rise and shine, Clark! It's another new day which means you are one day closer to getting the heck out of that hospital!

Samuel Johnson said:
All the performances of human art.....are instances of the resistless force of perseverence...
...Petty operations, incessantly continued, in time, surmount the greatest difficulties....

As you build one day upon another, you'll soon see how those daily efforts were key to conquering the greatest difficulties.

Clark, just work on today, don't worry about tomorrow - except to dream of all the great things you have yet to accomplish in your future.....marrying the perfect companion, having a family of your own, and experiencing joy (and disappointment) as you journey through the different stages of life.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life and I hope it is a really good one! We love you.


Janeanne said...

Rise and shine, Clark! It's another new day which means you are one day closer to getting the heck out of that hospital!

Samuel Johnson said:
All the performances of human art.....are instances of the resistless force of perseverence...
...Petty operations, incessantly continued, in time, surmount the greatest difficulties....

As you build one day upon another, you'll soon see how those daily efforts were key to conquering the greatest difficulties.

Clark, just work on today, don't worry about tomorrow - except to dream of all the great things you have yet to accomplish in your future.....marrying the perfect companion, having a family of your own, and experiencing joy (and disappointment) as you journey through the different stages of life.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life and I hope it is a really good one! We love you.


AdriansCrazyLife said...

So glad to hear you've been seeing some great improvements. It's been a long time coming. I'm sure you're looking forward to that day when you can come out of the hospital and regain your life.

I've been listening to some great music I thought you might enjoy. It's the album Freedom by Mandisa. She was on American Idol and has a great powerful voice. It's great gospel/inspirational music that might give you a nice boost.

(Karla's younger and more beautiful sister!)

Anonymous said...

GREAT NEWS!!! What a birthday present for you Rhonda! 9-11 means remembering bad things for lots of people but for everyone who knows and loves you and my Lance it is the best day!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY RHONDA! Keep working to get out of there Clark! Love & Prayers, Roxie