Tuesday, November 17, 2009


This is just a small post for those of u who have questions for me. i know alot of u do so ask away. dont be afraid. u can ask anything big or small. it will also help me to post more.


Anonymous said...

Well, Super clark.... I am so thankful you are at home. This is Dylan's granny Sue and I have been praying for you. Not very often has a day passed without thinking of you and this mountain climb you've been on. So glad that you are in great hands... both your sister's and God!

Your Mother just wondering in SD said...

Where are some recent pictures of you and the Purles family?

jbdavis said...

Hey Clark.. It's Jena Bracht (Davis). I'm always tempted to put my married name in here but I'm afraid you wouldn't recognize it! How are you feeling? Did they ever find out what it was exactly that caused your liver to fail so quickly? You are looking really great, handsome as ever (although a little skinny...get on that!!). Continue to fight on! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Clark!-- I was wondering if doctors have any idea how you became infected with the horrible virus that reeked havoc on your body?

Thank you very much for sharing your story-- there are a lot of people that care about you. A lot of wrestling people will ask me for updates-- Marlys & Kieth Enstad call every so often wondering if I know how you are doing. A lot of prayers have been said & we will continue to send them your way. You & your family are very inspiring. The love pours through every post. This experience will forever change you-- in ways you probably don't even know yet. You all seem to have a knack for seeing the blessings through the thorn-- it is remarkable. God bless you Clark & keep up the good work!

~Susie (Althoff) Stroup

ps. Tell your sister that I love the Cook & Tell site-- Another blog I am on regularly now! :)

Janeanne said...

Great to see your posts, Clark! It's awesome to see your continued progress.

Are you back to normal eating? If so, Kristin's good food will fatten you up in no time. Wish I had the problem of needing to put on some weight. Not likely in my lifetime. LOL.

When will you start physical therapy? Or are you doing that now?

It was pretty shocking to see that you have so many "war" wounds and that your incision is still open so far. Bet you are getting tired of the dressing changes. It will be a great day when you can shower without having to worry about it. When Eric had his surgery, we wrapped him in Saran Wrap and taped all the edges to make it a little easier.

It's not surprising that you don't remember some of what happened in the hospital. What a blessing! The human being is pretty amazing.

What are your Thanksgiving plans?

We are coming out to UT for Christmas and look forward to seeing you then. Glad it won't have to be in the hospital, though.

The beautiful weather continues in ND. Everyday we escape snow and cold brings us one day closer to spring. The older I get the less I can handle the cold. But, this is home. Why couln't my ancestors chosen to settle someplace farther south? Oh well...it's great to have a place to call home in America.

My prayers and thoughts remain with you. Be well.

Ligia said...

I have something I would like to share with you but it is too long to leave a comment. I already tried because I tried to send it and it wouldn't let me send. Could I get your email address? Mine is Ligia81@aol.com. This is Alex's wife btw. Just send me a quick note through email and I'll send you the attachment I made. I have some questions for you and some insights as well.

Anonymous said...

Hey Clark, I just wanted you to know that I am still reading the blog that has become a best seller, or should be. I am so thankful that you are getting stonger and that you have that wonderful family to support you. I always knew that your mom and all of you were great but didn't know how great! God's blessings to you as you continue your recovery. I am praying that none of your brother have to be donors because you won't need the bone marrow. Love you guys!