of Latter Day Saints
Mark Lueck
Jana Mills
Fall Break Day 3
10 years ago
On Aug. 6, 2009 Clark underwent a liver transplant. He then faced a Bone Marrow Transplant but because of insuficient funding, and three denials from Medicaid, Clark lost his fight. He returned to his Heavenly Father(s) on June 11, 2010. We have documented his journey and continue to post updates. Thank you to everyone for your never ceasing prayers and support. If his story brings inspiration, strength, light, and knowlege into your life, then this travesty will not be in vain.
Love and sacrifice brings about miracles. By the looks of things Clark and your family are very loved! And there still more miracles to come.
We sang this song at church today. It always brings me comfort - this old familiar hymn.
"Fear not I am with thee, oh be not dismayed,
For I am thy God and will still give thee aid.
I'll strengthen thee, help thee,
and cause thee stand,upheld by my righteous
omnipotent hand."
We are amazed at your strength and love for each other and pray for Clark everyday. Can't wait to see him sitting at the dinner table eating a big meal prepared by you and Kristin!
Much love, Terri Purles
I wanted to donate! I was excited that i was in Watertown on Saturday to be there but, apparently they dont want blood from someone with a sinus infection! haha I will make up for it when i heal! And Clark, you get to healin too! Much love!
They wouldn't take my blood without an approval note from my doctor due to my heart attack several years ago. I'll have to get that note and donate at a later date.
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