The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Saturday, September 19, 2009
10 AM - 3 PM
Thank You!
On Aug. 6, 2009 Clark underwent a liver transplant. He then faced a Bone Marrow Transplant but because of insuficient funding, and three denials from Medicaid, Clark lost his fight. He returned to his Heavenly Father(s) on June 11, 2010. We have documented his journey and continue to post updates. Thank you to everyone for your never ceasing prayers and support. If his story brings inspiration, strength, light, and knowlege into your life, then this travesty will not be in vain.
Hi Clark. Hope you got some good rest and are ready for another day of healing.
Wish Brad didn't have to work this weekend, or we'd probably drive to Watertown and participate in the blood drive. How cool! It would be great to see old friends again. We sure did have some great times in Watertown.
We'll be in SLC next weekend (26th)and hoping you'll be able to see visitors by then.
Brad is going to the Utes game with the boys and Janelle. I'm going to spend as much time as possible being "Grandma". We may do some hiking if the weather cooperates.
Have a great day today! Keep moving forward.
we'll be there :)
Hey Clark. It's another beautiful fall day in North Dakota. Hope it's been a good week for you.
This message is going to be pretty short since I stayed up too late watching a movie last night and decided to turn off my alarm when it rang this morning. So, I'm going to be late for work. Oh, well, it's Friday!
Guess Ben Franklin was right when he said: He that riseth late must trot all day! :)
Hope the antibiotics are doing their job and you are getting stronger everday. Looking forward to hearing that you can move out of isolation, and soon thereafter that you can go home.
We're still thinking about you and praying for you and your family every day. Hope this day is good!
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