I received an email from my dear friend, Bart Moeller. Mr. Moeller is a grade school teacher at Jefferson School in Watertown. He had a couple of my boys in his class. When Jim died, 11 years ago, Bart along with other teachers from Jefferson came to our house as support to us at this tragic time. Bart naturally and instantly became more than a teacher. He became my brother, the kid's dad (but I didn't hit him up for child support, hahaha), our handy man, and a friend to my entire family. Bart will forever be a very important part of each of our lives. I want to share this touching email Bart sent yesterday. We Love You Bart!

I have been going down memory lane and ran across this picture of Clark, I think it was taken the summer that we drove out to Utah (the King Albert) trip. Ah what fond memories that brings back. It will be so nice to see Clark like this once again. It seems a life time, and in some ways I guess it has been. I have tried to keep up with the blog and am so thankful for what You and Kristin do to keep all informed. Bjorn called Sat. to remind me of the Blood drive but was to late to donate, so when I go in for my yearly checkup will donate at that time. I think of Clark, You, and Kristin everyday and am so thankful that our paths crossed so many years ago. I cherish all of the moments I have spent and shared with all of you, memories that I will cherish all the days of my life. I wish the best. and hope to see you soon. Remember if you need or want anything at all please let me know. Love Bart
If any of you have "fond memories" with Clark and would like to share them, please do so. You can email them to me at missingyou@tnics.com and I will be happy to post them on the blog.
What a GREAT friend...everyone needs a person like Bart in their life!
HI Clark & RHonda, I am thinking and praying for you often. I try to keep up daily, but can;t always. I do agree with your Mom's comment a few days ago how much you like your father, my brother Jimmy. You are the spitting image of him at that age....after he trimmed his goatee and got rid of the long hair...( maybe I should dig out that picture if you want a few laughs)
Hang in there! love Auntie Annie Printz
Good morning. Thanks for sharing Bart's message. When Jim passed away, I remember how Bart became such an important member of your family. In some ways, that seems like a hundred years ago and in others, like last week.
Joseph Addison said: Friendship improves happiness and abates misery, by doubling our joy and dividing our grief."
Though no one can replace a father, Bart sure helped bring joy back into your lives. What a blessing he has been for your family.
After work tonight, Brad and I will be starting our journey to SLC. We aren't packed and still have a ton of things to do. But, it will all work out.
Sadly, while traveling, I may have to break my tradition of writing you each morning. Know that I will still be thinking of you and praying for you and your family.
Hoping you can get out of isolation so we can say "Hi" in person.
Hope this day is very, very good!
Hi Rhonda and Kristin. This is Tasha (Schmidt) Landwehr. Hopefully you remember me. I used to spend a lot of time with Ryan (a lot of times at your house!) and graduated with him. I heard about Clark via Facebook and visit the site often. I wanted to let you know that I think I you and your family often and am keeping Clark and the Yoder/Kimble family in my prayers!!! It sounds like its been a long hard road. Hang in there! We are all rooting for you!!
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