This was the second of two yard sales that were held for Clark in Utah. The first was put on by Clark's singles ward and was a huge success. They even made
The Daily Herald. We took their left-overs, combined them with donations from our friends, family, and neighbors, and held a sale the following weekend. Yet another success. There was just too much stuff to price it all so we went with a "Donate & Take" theme. No prices. Pick out what you want, pay what you think it's worth, and it's yours. I have to admit I was a little hesitant to do this at first. Thankfully I was pleasantly surprised by how generous people were. Some people would haggle with us on a price so we would drop it and agree on a lower price. Then, when they heard what we were doing the sale for, they payed more than we were asking in the first place. Overall, people were much more generous than we expected. Many times my mouth dropped when I saw the amount of money people dropped in the jar compared to the items they were leaving with. We sold everything from clothes and candles, to chickens and tomatoes. It was great fun!

A big thank you to all the family who helped so much with the sale, and to all the community members who donated, shopped, and cared!
1 comment:
A little nervous over here!
I see my 2 of my grandkids in these garage sale pictures. You didn't sell em, did ya? Or if you did, I hope you at least got a good donation for them!
Glad everything went well.
Hugs and good thoughts,
Gramma Karla in St. George
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