My sister Loy, my father Joe Larson, and dad's caregiver Wishbone, made the trip to Utah with me. Keep in mind my dad is 100 years old. The trip went well with the exception of the weather. We drove in horrible winter conditions from Hot Springs SD to Rock Springs Wyoming. Many hours of low visibility, slush and/or ice. Traveling at speeds of 40 to 50 mph that entire distance slowed our traveling time down but we all managed to keep our spirits high. My father played his harmonica much of the way and we sang with him, the songs we knew. Our first stop was to the hospital where Clark was just being discharged so we were able to take him home. He was under a lot of medications that had him somewhat mellow, but he was certainly happy and surprised to see his grandpa. Since Clark has been unable to come to SD on many occasions and especially had missed grandpa's 100th birthday party back in August, we felt honored that he could make this long trip to see Clark instead. My sister Cheryl gives the following prayer which will give us strength to endure today. Thank you Cheryl
Dear Heavenly Father:
As the time for Clark's Hearing fast approaches, I thank Thee for the miracle regarding its rescheduling and for sustaining Clark in the meantime.
I plead with Thee to hear the prayers and behold the fasting of so many who earnestly seek Thy continued miracles and deliverance's in Clark's life. Be at Clark's Hearing tomorrow, Dear Father. Unleash Thy great powers in Clark's behalf and please work a miracle in the mind and heart of the judge who will be hearing Clark's case. Bless him or her to be overwhelmed with a sense of urgency and the spirit of charitable compassion. Give him or her peace that the bone marrow transplant is the just and right and reasonable choice and help him or her to rule accordingly in favor of Clark's receiving the bone marrow transplant.
Work a miracle within the minds and hearts of Clark's medical team. Make them warriors, fully dressed and capable for battle, armed with faith and truth and power from heaven. Let their advocacy be influential and persuasive and blessed by Thy Holy Spirit. Give them tongues of fire and righteous might and inspiration. Go before them and be at their side. Surround them with Thine inspiration and compassion and truth. Bless them for saving Clark's life thus far, and please grant unto them opportunity to continue to minister needed procedures, surgeries, and treatments that will or may be necessary for preserving Clark's life and restoring him to full health and vigor.
Let the spirit of gratitude be expressed to Medicaid for the many thousands of dollars they have spent thus far and will continue to spend for Clark's treatments in the future. Please let Medicaid feel appreciated and thanked for all that they have provided thus far to Clark. However, Father, since they hold the key to whether or not Clark will receive the urgently needed bone marrow transplant, and since Clark needs this surgery in order to live, tomorrow could become somewhat of a war zone. Therefore, Dear Lord, despite Medicaid's past benevolence, we petition Thee, Dear Lord, to thwart their denials of paying for Clark's much needed bone marrow transplant. Work a miracle in the minds and hearts of those representing Medicaid, that they will not have a tongue to utter discouragement or to withstand the statistics, faith, expertise, testimonies and pleas of the doctors and those who represent them. Confound the minds and intents of Clark's enemies, O Lord. Confuse their arguments and make them appear as fools. Remove their flooring from under their feet and cause them to stumble and fall, like drunken men.
Work a miracle now upon Clark's spirit to restore him to full hope and faith. Bless his weary body that it will be able to find and hold strength beyond normal means and be able to undergo a bone marrow transplant with success and lasting healing.
Please bless Kristin as Clark's faithful and faith-filled care giver, and please provide needed blessings to her and her family. Please bless the doctors and team of medical experts who have operated on and attended Clark in these past 11 months. Please bless Rhonda and Clark's entire family for their faith and prayers and support and love. Please bless all others who have felt concern and/or expressed it via any and all means: prayers, fasting, temple worship, blog maintenance and support, financial donations, blood drives, letter-writing, and all other feelings and acts of love. Please especially bless Wyatt Kimble as the willing bone marrow donor and the unknown soul who unselfishly donated his or her liver for Clark's liver transplant. Please always bless that person and his/her family for this sacrifice.
Bless Clark mightily, I pray, Dear Lord, with the strength of spirit and mind and body to go forward with faith each day of his life. Bless him to have The Holy Spirit as his companion. Speak peace and comfort and hope to him, and grant him life. Watch over and be with him, as Thou hast in the past. Help Clark to reach out to Thee with real intent, granting back unto Thee whatever life Thou dost grant unto him.
Work a miracle in all these ways, I pray, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Sent with love on the wings of faith and prayer, Cheryl 5/12/10
Dear Clark,Rhonda,Kristin,family & friends,
We are with you today praying for the miracle that Clark needs.
We love you all.
Bobby & Claudia Mills
All the pictures of Grandpa and Clark are great but I LOVE the top one of only Clark on this post!
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