Due to the fact that we have been in the ER with Clark for five plus hours and know many are anxiously waiting for news, we are giving a brief update. . . . the hearing today went well. It was difficult to hear, and stirred up much emotion but we ultimately feel it went in Clark's favor. No decision was made today. The judge understands the urgency of the case and requested that everything be done ASAP and be made a priority. We hope for a decision by early next week. More details on the hearing later. Believe me, much more!
Clark didn't feel well all day today and even stepped out of the hearing early. The hearing took a total of 2 1/2 hours so we made Clark as comfortable as possible in the car until it ended. We then went straight from the hearing to the ER at the U. He had a 107 fever (anything over 100.4 is considered emergency for him), abdominal pain, shortness of breath, hives, and nausea. He was given Tylenol which broke the fever, saline, pain meds, and two doses of antibodies. He will be admitted again, just over 24 hours from being discharged.

Continue to pray for him and especially for those who have the authority to make the decision on his life. Thank you for your concern and know that we are also praying for each of you.
Thanks for the update, glad the hearing went well. Tell Clark to hold on - we'll get him that bone marrow transplant either way.
Clark, we're here for you! And praying! Stay strong and never give up!
You are a great example of what a really strong man truly is.
Praying for you Clark and raising your worries up to God...you are going to be a miracle, I believe it!!
Almighty and Eternal God, You are the everlasting health of those who believe in You. Hear us for Your sick servant, Clark, for whom we implore the aid of Your tender mercy, that being restored to bodily health, he may give thanks to You in Your Church.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Stay Strong Clark!!
The prayers are happening right this moment...There are so many who are sending light and love to you!! Keep up the fight...
love from kansas
Our prayers are with you. We love you all!
Much love,
Shane & Beth and Family
Kimble family u are in my familys thoughts and prayers!!!
Clark and Family - thanks for the update - We are praying constantly for wisdom of those making decisions, the strength and compassion of doctors and caregivers and for your ongoing strength and healing. Hang in there Clark - miracles will happen! You are always in our thoughts prayers and hearts.
Love - The Fronks, Jim and Marilyn
Amazing how quickly your body can change on you. THe day before he was smiley, now obvious discomfort. Love you...not a minute goes by your not on my mind.
Hey Clark, Aww man I hate to hear that you were in the hospital again. I really hope you get better buddy!! I will continue to pray for you and the family.. Keep up the fight, stay strong and we believe in you.......... love ya bud
-Rachelle Hauck (Johnson)
clark you are on my mind often and always in my prayers. much love from georgia!-grace yoder
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