Clark is now in Rehabilitation. This is a big move on his journey toward the exit! I was so excited to see that he doesn't have one tube or cord hooked up to him! He is doing well and seems as though his spirits are much higher than when I saw him last. He is more confident and independent. He is able to get in and out of bed by himself, is wearing his own clothes, and uses the bathroom and shower. Clark said that mentally he feels like he can do everything, but physically he gets tired quickly. He is surprised by how week he really is when he gets up and moves around. They are mostly working on his leg strength right now. He doesn't do too much stretching because his incision is still healing and they don't want to pull on that. He said that rehab isn't hard, it just takes a long time. I just received a call from Clark saying that he just got done playing Guitar Hero and WII in rehab.
Clark is also eating normal food, no restrictions. He said he isn't craving anything in particular but when I offered to bring something in he said, "Anything." His stomach and the rest of his digestive system are tolerating food well. He isn't nauseated or vomiting. He can only eat about three bites before he's full. He is on oral meds now which he will be on for the rest of his life. His voice is much stronger. One of his vocal cords is still paralyzed but hopefully will heal.
He is in a nice room, especially compared to others on his floor. Clark is the only one with his own room. Others are four to a room. It is a homey room but hopefully he doesn't get too comfortable because his estimated discharge date is set for Nov. 3!
This can change earlier or later depending on how rehab goes. Kick it in the butt Clark! I purposely brought up your Strong Arrow shirt to give you some motivation. Show them what and Arrow is made of! (For those of you who aren't Arrows - We are the Watertown Arrows in school sports. The Strong Arrow is an award that is only given to those who can complete a list of physical tasks. It is not achieved by many.) It's crazy to think that Clark went into the hospital in July and won't get out until November. A whole season has gone by, summer has changed to fall, and blossoming flowers traded for falling leaves. And in Clark a mighty change as well. A whole trial has gone by, sickness has changed to health, and certain death traded for a second chance at life. A spiritual awakening that may not have been possible in any other way.
New restrictions are in place at the hospital. Children under the age of 14, large groups, and people who are sick or been around sick people are not welcome in the hospital. This does make it hard for many to visit but we understand that this is to stop the spread of H1N1. If you want to visit, please be aware of these rules. Clark can have other visitors. He is in rehab most of the morning so after 4:00 is best. If you are unable to visit him in the hospital, anyone is welcome to visit at my house once he gets out.
Clark continues to keep up with the outside world and watches the news and sports. He reads the blog and your comments. Please let him know your reading and give him your words of encouragement. Thank you to all those who already comment. If you haven't yet, please do, whether we know you or not. As I've said before, we are going to make this blog into a book. It will be a great record of history for Clark. He said that even the nurses at the hospital told him it's the best blog they've ever read.
To Comment:
1. Scroll to the bottom of the post you want to comment on. Click on "Comments" (in blue on bottom right of each post) and a pop up window will appear.
2. If others have left comments you can read them here. At the bottom of this window will be a text field that says "Leave your comment" where you can type your comment.
3. Choose an identity - You do not have to have a Google account to comment. If you do have one it will automatically insert your name. You can also choose "Name/URL" and enter your name how you would like it to appear. Or choose "Anonymous" if you would like to remain anonymous.
Some have said they have typed their comment and then lost it in computer land. If you are worried about this, I suggest highlighting your text and copying it. That way, if you loose it you can paste it in the text box and try again. Or you can type your comment in another application like Word and copy and paste it in to be really safe.
If you have trouble, please don't give up. You can even email me ( your comment and I will put it on for you. It is important that we know your on board with us! Thanks!
Clark is also eating normal food, no restrictions. He said he isn't craving anything in particular but when I offered to bring something in he said, "Anything." His stomach and the rest of his digestive system are tolerating food well. He isn't nauseated or vomiting. He can only eat about three bites before he's full. He is on oral meds now which he will be on for the rest of his life. His voice is much stronger. One of his vocal cords is still paralyzed but hopefully will heal.

New restrictions are in place at the hospital. Children under the age of 14, large groups, and people who are sick or been around sick people are not welcome in the hospital. This does make it hard for many to visit but we understand that this is to stop the spread of H1N1. If you want to visit, please be aware of these rules. Clark can have other visitors. He is in rehab most of the morning so after 4:00 is best. If you are unable to visit him in the hospital, anyone is welcome to visit at my house once he gets out.
To Comment:
1. Scroll to the bottom of the post you want to comment on. Click on "Comments" (in blue on bottom right of each post) and a pop up window will appear.
2. If others have left comments you can read them here. At the bottom of this window will be a text field that says "Leave your comment" where you can type your comment.
3. Choose an identity - You do not have to have a Google account to comment. If you do have one it will automatically insert your name. You can also choose "Name/URL" and enter your name how you would like it to appear. Or choose "Anonymous" if you would like to remain anonymous.
Some have said they have typed their comment and then lost it in computer land. If you are worried about this, I suggest highlighting your text and copying it. That way, if you loose it you can paste it in the text box and try again. Or you can type your comment in another application like Word and copy and paste it in to be really safe.
If you have trouble, please don't give up. You can even email me ( your comment and I will put it on for you. It is important that we know your on board with us! Thanks!
Clark, you look like you are making great strides in your journey to exit the hospital. I know you can't wait to get out and start your new life. Don't be overwhelmed with all the meds you are taking now, you should be weaned off some of them in the future. I am only taking prograf for anti- rejection now. When released I was on cellcept, valcyte, prednisone, and a bowel antibiotic. I'm sure you will adapt well. Praying for you to regain your strength fast so you can go home. Keep up the terrific job you are doing. John Hanes, Wtn.
We are glad that you are doing so well. You have no idea how many times a day I pull up your blog to see if there is a new update. You are NOT forgotten. Keep up all the hard work.
The Veeders
Clark, you are looking great! I have been blessed with the ability to follow your story from the beginning thanks to your family in Kansas. It is amazing what the Lord has in store for us and how we may touch so many lives that we may never even realize. It is moving to me that you and your family have been able to see the Lord at work through this entire journey, even during the most rocky of times. Please know that not only has your faith grown through this journey but many others have also grown thanks to you! My children have listened to the ups and downs of your story as I read your blog and are still asking about you regularly. To Kristen and Rhonda, thanks for the most heartfelt blog I have ever read! I feel like I have been in Utah right along side. I can understand a lot of your feelings as I almost lost an 18 month old 10 years ago. I only wish I had thought to blog through the journey - it would have been great to have all of those entries as well as to have had a place to "talk" and be listened to during those long night hours wondering what is happening. Be assured that prayers are still coming your way for a quick rehab and comfort as you find your way back into everyday tasks.
Michelle from Kansas
So glad to see u out and moving around. It wont be to much longer now and you will be at Kristin's house. Keep on goin and keep smiling.
Karla from Wyoming class of 2002 Arrow Pride
Clark, I'm just home from my second day at work. Things seem strange but I'm adjusting and luckily this old mind of mine can adapt to many things. I love my job and the people I work with. They have welcomed me back and there is a constant flow of well wishers stopping by my desk praying for your health and return to normal life. We are a blessed family. I hurried home to check the blog, just hoping Kristin was back and that she had updated all the good things that are now happening. So this afternoon my position has changed. Well, not totally. I'm sitting now in my home, at a different computer, in a different state, writing comments rather than posts, but yep, still crying BIG mama tears as I see my son struggling out of a cacoon and soon will fly away as the butterfly does. And I see my wonderful daughter by your side, taking pictures and writing a journal for all to see and to preserve your history. I still ache deep inside to have left you. But know Clark that I am near. You are on my mind and in my heart constantly. I pray for you often. Clark, November 03 isn't that far away so work hard to the end. Once you are out and the nurses aren't just a button away, you will then know you are on your own. Do it Clark, and do it right. It is great to be home and to be with my other sons too. They did well while I was away. I wish I could return for your discharge but instead will look forward to you possibly coming to SD to stay with us for awhile. Your choice. Clark, in all you do, in your actions, words, and deed, always "remember who you are". You look great! Love, Mom
i am so excited to see you detached from tubes and monitors. i started reading the blog when kate did a little cut on my hair and kind of have been addicted to reading it, everyday on lunch =) you are an amazing person. i can't wait for november 3rd to come when you can go home and be able to remember what it's like to be in your own comfort. you have been such a fighter so i have no doubt that you are going to pull through with shining colors!
best wishes
jules, salt lake city
All i am going to say is this,
You are truly super!
T. Berg
Lookin great Clark, it's nice to finally see you without all the medical aides attached. Keep up the fight and keep the 3rd in your mind. I am sure you more than anyone want out. Keep smiling buddy you are making huge strides and the door is getting closer by the minute. Love ya Clark and looking forward to seeing you in SD. Bart
I don't know you but spent the better part of an entire day reading your blog.. You have been thru a lot (seems like every complication possible). you seem like you have a great attitude and a great family. You will be out of there in no time. Your an inspiration to many. I have been trying to get everyone I know to donate blood so that people like you can have a second chance at life as you did.
You are looking and doing GREAT!!!
Hey Clark! It is great that you are doing so well now. Thank god you had a 2nd chance at life, because you so deserve it. You are such a strong person, and obviously god has a plan for you still. I love to read about how well you are doing, i check this a few times a day just to see if there are any updates. Take care buddy, and this long journey will be so worth it!!!! Stay strong, you can do this.
Rachelle Hauck (Johnson)
YAY!!! I'm so glad to see you in such good shape! I bet you are so excited to be up out of that bed making more and more steps to recovery. You are in my thoughts and prayers - oh and by the way, I got a chuckle out of the whole Pope thing. That spider crawling on him was nasty! ;)
Keep doing what you're doing, and you'll be home in no time. :)
Hi Clark
Its been awhile since i made a comment, but want you to know I read often and pray for you.
I see today the handsome guy who is looking like himself. The eyes look clear and white. What an amazing body we have.
Keep up the work and I hope you get out soon, Nancy in SD
Hi Clark,
Your journey has been absolutely amazing. Your strength is inspiring. You and your family have been in my prayers since I first heard about you. It is wonderful to see you up and around more. Keep up the great work. God Bless you and your family!
Dyann from Kansas
You are looking great Clark, and making great progress at leaps and bounds. keep up the hard work as you are insight of the goal of able to walk out of there and go home. The Lord has been with you every step of the way and he has heard many people, friends, family, and strangers praying for his healing hand to be laid upon you, and it has become so. You are looking great and I am sure you are ready to depart from there just keep the faith, strength, and focus and you WILL be soon walking on towards the rest of your life that the Lord has planned for you.
Thank you Rhonda and Kristen for your wonderful work of love you have done on this blog to keep everyone up with Clarks progress through this whole proceedure. Many people have been touched and and enlightened by reading the entries here, and many prayers have been lifted for Clark and his healing process, and for the
strenght of his family.
Again looking great Clark and keep up the hard work as you are close to move on to the next step and moving out into the world.
Andrew of the Kansas Kimbles
Good morning, Clark. Looks like you have a lot of reading to catch up on. How great is that?
And, how cool is it to be wearing your own clothes? That light blue robe just wasn't your color. You look awesome! Keep up the great work.
So glad to hear you are eating again. I still haven't sent your BBQ sauce, but promise I will get to the store and will get it sent. Since you're only eating 3 bites at a time, you're probably not ready for chicken nuggets quite yet.
Love ya. Have a great day!
Good Morning! Crystal Jurgens and myself, Chellsy Craig have been following your story. We work at Morton Buildings. We don't know you but, I think your mom knows my mother in law, Roxie Craig. I am married to Josh Craig.
We just wanted to leave a note saying that we are praying for you to get better and looks like you are on your way there! Keep it up!
Get Better!
Chellsy Craig and Crystal Jurgens
Wow Clark! Keep up the hard work. You really are a fighter and an inspiration in so many ways. Thanks for allowing your journey to be shared here. We are hoping November 3 comes soon and you are able to walk out those hospital doors heading for home.
Jana, SD
Hi Clark! I have been following this beautiful blog that Kristin and your Mom have made. I'm so glad that you are feeling better, making tremendous progress and will be out of the hospital soon. I have been so inspired by your strength and the strength of your family. Keep up the wonderful work and please hug Kristin and her family for me! There are a TON of people that have been praying for you and thinking about you probably more than you know. Sounds like you are the epitomy of a Strong Arrow!
Darien Child (Kristin's friend)
Great to see you are getting closer and closer to getting out of the hospital! It's awesome to see such a strong mind and strong will!
Take care and continue to get well.
David Ingalls
I don't know you, Clark, but have been following your progress since I heard about you from Ryan. I am a former co-worker with Ryan. I am so happy to hear the amazing progress you have made. You are almost home. I wish you all the best life has to offer! :-)
Hi Clark! Kate said she was going on a field trip with you today, and she was quite excited. I, of course wanted pictures.
Well, like Rhonda, and any other Mom, I have shed so many tears reading this blog. Tears of sadness when you first went in, tears of joy, tears of fear, and tears of humility at the big hearts of friends, family and perfect strangers and above all your big courageous heart, tears for the donor, tears for your trials, setbacks, tribulations, and victories. Today it's tears of relief and gratitude; happy tears!
Once again, God Bless you, your family and this blog. It will go down as an amazing journey including many miracles.
Go for it Clark!
Karla in St. George
I am glad to see and hear about your improvement. Kristin, thank you for putting this blog together. I know a lot of your classmates have been following it and praying along with your family. I look forward to the day I check it and see that you are out of the hospital!
Lisa Young Foreman
Watertown classmate of Kristin´s
So happy to learn of your progress...keep it up Clark! You're strength and will power are admired!
The Likness's
you dont know me clark, but i work with your mom at premier bank card, she is a really great person and i hope you get well soon, best of luck to you!!
Hey Clark! Only 12 days until November 3rd. Congratulations!
Just want you to know we're thinking about you and hoping each day is better than the one before.
Have a great day!
I'm so glad to hear Clark is doing so well! We'll keep the prayers going!!
Hi Clark. It's Friday already... almost football time again. Got your players picked?
I bet you are getting stronger every single day. Are they working you hard? If you get bored, you could post us a blog and let us know what you've been up to. (Am I sounding like a broken record?) :)
We had a beautiful day here yesterday. The summer turned so quickly to very low temps and it snowed early in October (but meleted). I thought we might have seen the last of "no-jacket" weather. But, temps have moderated the past several days. It was 78 last Saturday and we even saw the sun for awhile. It's been kind of gloomy and rainy most of the time (which is not typical here). Anyway, I'm grateful that there's no snow on the ground yet.
Today, as every day, I want you to know I am thinking about you and asked Heavenly Father to continue watching over you and blessing you with healing.
Hope this day is good. Love ya!
disistr....was me. Not quite sure how I managed to do that....
Clark you are looking so different from just a few months ago! It's amazing how powerful prayer can be when we hope for someone's health to get better...and it worked for you! I'll continue to pray for a speedy are definitely one of God's miracles!
Take care!!
Hi Clark! Aaron and I think about you and talk about you often. We check the blog all the time hoping for more good news... and it's sounding really good these days! We're excited for you to get back to freedom and back to living life. What a long road it's been for you, and you've been so strong thru all the constant challenges. You've been given a great gift to have this second chance at life. I know you're meant to accomplish important things in the years ahead... We are really looking forward to seeing you "on the outside." Our kids are always sure to remember "Cousin Clark" in their prayers everyday. Ashlea (age 5) said a while back, "Clark is such a nice boy. I used to see him outside at Grandma Illa's and he smiles at me and says Hi to me."
Stay well Clark, and keep getting stronger!
Lots of love,
Sandy and Aaron Larson
Bluffdale, Utah
Dearest Clark:
I used to cry as I read your blog because I was hurting to see you hurting.
Now, I'm smiling--big time! I'm so thrilled to see you looking so alive and well! The news and pictures are so uplifting. I'm grateful and rejoicing for and with you! Each day will seem brighter as you transition out of the hospital and into Kristin's wonderful care.
How amazing have been the surgeons, doctors, nurses and all caregivers! How devoted have been your family and friends, your international team of prayer warriors and daily correspondents! They have administered their talents, love, and faith throughout this whole ordeal; and through them as instruments of His grace, The Lord has performed a major miracle. Truly, praise and glory be to Him for the multiplicity of His tender mercies.
I look forward to seeing you in person and giving you my heartfelt hug and love. I'm constantly praying for you, Clark.
You've done a great job! Continued patience, courage, persistence, strength and health to you!
I love you!
Hey Clark. Just dropping in to say good morning. Not sure if you get the weekend off or if you are dong rehab everyday.
No time off for me. We updated our kitchen with new countertops, tile and paint. I've got some trim painting to finish.
The weather is pretty nice here, so I'm hoping to make time for a walk, too.
Hope you have a great day!
ps..I finally got the BBQ sauce shipped last night. It is coming via Priority Mail (US Postal Service) and should arrive at Kristin's on Tues or Wed.
Keep your hopes high Clark, you have an entire life ahead of you. I, myself didn't have a trial such as yours but I am having my own trial with cancer. Tomorrow is a brand new day for both of us, we just always have to look at the big picture.
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