Yesterday I was able to leave both kids and go to rehab with Clark. I tell you it was a foreign feeling walking around with just my keys and my phone in my hands. It felt strange not to have a baby in each arm, a monster bag over my shoulder, and spit up somewhere on my clothes. It was fun to focus more on Clark though. I was able to see what he does in rehab and learn how to help him do his exercises as well as assist him on stairs. While I was there they were mostly working on balance. They had him stand on different surfaces and do certain movements while keeping his balance. I can see the competitive side of him as he pushed himself even further than what was expected. He even asked his therapist to step off a little so he could be more independent. Clark was also proud of his improvements in the 6 minute walk. The first day he was able to walk just over 700 feet in six minutes and by the second day he increased that to over 900 feet. He is doing a great job.

Clark also does occupational therapy which helps him with everyday skills like showering, cooking, cleaning, and going out in public. This is a real treat for him. He was excited the other day when they made brownies. Next week they are going to make chili so Clark asked if I could bring
Mom's White Chili recipe so he could ask his group if they would rather make that. He also asked me if I could make him
Chicken Pot Pie because he's been craving it. Others are happy he's able to eat now and have brought him a few treats to enjoy. A cute box of Raisin Bran with the message "Glad you're RAISIN' up..." was brought in my the singles ward, Taylor make delicious homemade yogurt and rolls (both Clark's favorites), and the bag of chocolates Mom brought in that have been sitting unopened by his bed for months is now half gone.
I think therapy has helped Clark out a lot not only physically, but emotionally as well. It gives him confidence and purpose as well as pushes him to do better each day. He said that by 7:00 at night he is struggling to stay awake and sleeps much better at night. He is in relatively no pain except for his left should which was hurt when a nurse lifted him out of bed wrong, and his ankles hurt when he's exercising.
Clark said that his incision has stalled. It is no longer healing so the plastic surgery team is coming to look at it on Monday and may possibly do another surgery.
He has his X Box now so that helps him pass the time. Eric has been up a few times to play a game or two with him. He has a book on his nightstand but has only read a few pages. His concentration and the mental energy required are not quite up for a much reading. He watches a lot of TV and I told him he will be great at board/trivia games with all the little known facts he's learning.
Loved that picture with you and Kristin. It's the best smile I've seen on your face since this ordeal began.
A lot of work ahead for you, but I know you're up to it.
What a wonderful way to wake up here is South Dakita. What an inspiration to all. Great job Clark! keep on keeping on. Live it up and don't give up. We all have our hands in the air clapping for you. See you soon. Family in South Dakota.
Clark, It is so great to see you doing so well. I check your blog everday to see what progress you have made. You have been a huge inspiration to me and my family. Keep on working hard and you will be out of there in no time.
I'm all mixed up today. I don't know if I should cry or be happy. So far, crying seems to have taken over. I indeed am excited to see the progress you are making but your suffering and set backs are still so hard to believe. The little things so many of us take for granted are huge tasks for you, but you are facing each one with excellence. Please know Clark that we are proud of you for your efforts. I am with you always. Love, Mom
We want you to be home. We like you, we love you. We'll bring you movies and gum and everything. We hope you be safe. Everything for Clark. I wanna know what your going to be for halloween. And Clark is very very sick! I miss you and we pray about you. I love you. Clark loves his Mommy. I'm gonna be a Kitty Cat for Halloween. Bye...from Cortlyn (age 3)
Clark - you are doing amazing things! It's tough to have to relearn your life, but you can do it! Keep up all the hard work and know that you have the prayers of many through the good and the bad!
Carol in Kansas
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