We had a great visit with Clark last night. He said he has been craving pizza. You know all those hours of watching TV, seeing commercial after commercial, they really do work. I also needed to meet up with the girl who bought Clark's last puppy. So Kellen, the kids, two dogs, and I packed in the car and headed to the hospital, grabbing a couple pizzas on the way. Clark had asked the nurse if we could bring the dogs in and she said it was ok as long as they were up to date on their shots and bathed. So I walked right into Clark's room with Hemi who was excited to see him this time. When the nurse came in I was scolded and told to get the dog out ASAP! Whoa! At least they got a few kisses in first.
Because Clark will be staying with me they needed to teach me how to do his dressing change. I have seen it done a few times so the sight of it was not alarming to me, which surprised the nurse. Clark said he has seen it done so many times that he could teach me himself and he did have to teach another nurse how to do it earlier in the week. Thankfully the incision is healthy and healing well so it isn't too tricky. There are areas where the upper layer sof skin are almost touching! There are also areas that are still inches apart and weeping. They no longer think that Clark will need plastic surgery but are confident that it will heal well on it's own. As the nurse touched Clark's belly he commented how weird it is because he has no feeling in the area below his incision. We don't know if feeling will come back or not. Clark did say that he is a little nervous about going home. In the hospital he has immediate care if something were to go wrong. He's also worried about the flu and all the other sicknesses that are running rampant this season. It will be a big transition but he will do great.

Stick a needle in my balloon. Clark called this morning and said that all his levels are off again. My heart sank! I didn't want to hear what this meant. His white blood count is low. He is isolated to his room and visitors are required to wear a mask and gown again. His platelets are low and he may have to have another transfusion. And . . . there is talk again about a bone marrow transplant. There are six different teams working together on Clark's case. They are going to try to fix things by adjusting his medication but if that doesn't work, he WILL NEED a bone marrow transplant. They told him that they are "hesitant to hold his meds and this is all trial and error." Not too comforting. Thankfully his liver is still doing well. This is all Clark knew for today. I felt bad for him being there, receiving this news alone. And all this, just one week before his much anticipated discharge date. We should know more in the days to come. Hopefully good news! Keep praying. Clark IS a Superman, but only through the power of Heavenly Father. We are searching for answers to questions that number the starts. Clark is growing weary but thankfully he can rest with Him until a brighter day, and he's ok.
Clark has a phone directly into his room and would love to hear from you. He continues to check the blog often and reads all your comments but a phone call is always nice too. His number is 801-585-8275. You can call anytime but you will have the most luck reaching him from 4:00 - 10:00 pm MST.