but I didn't think it would be my lunch that would break me,
bringing me to painful tears.Happy Birthday little brother!

a dutch oven peach cobbler two years ago.
He was very yellow and was admitted to the hospital the next day.
On Aug. 6, 2009 Clark underwent a liver transplant. He then faced a Bone Marrow Transplant but because of insuficient funding, and three denials from Medicaid, Clark lost his fight. He returned to his Heavenly Father(s) on June 11, 2010. We have documented his journey and continue to post updates. Thank you to everyone for your never ceasing prayers and support. If his story brings inspiration, strength, light, and knowlege into your life, then this travesty will not be in vain.
What a HANDSOME guy. I love seeing the smile on his face. Happy and sad tears streaming down my face as I look at these pictures of Clark. Miss him terribly!!! Thank you Clark for changing my life for the better...
Clark, this is your mother. I'm missing you so very much. I'm at work today and wishing it was 25 years ago and that we were still connected bt umbillical cord. Oh how'd I'd like to change things. this life really isn't that great, not at all what I had hoped for. I'd change places with you in a heart beat. Gotta go back to my desk with tears running down my face. I pray for a spiritualvisit from you. I love you, Mom
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLARK!!! I miss you very much and think about you everyday. I drive by your house twice a day and always think of the great times we had together. You may not physically be here with us, but I know your spirit and heart lives on with all of us who love you.
Love, Annie
Happy Birthday my love sorry so late I had work and school today. I love u and miss u very much! I think of u every chance I get. The world is just not the same with out u. Nobody to pick at me anymore either! Anyway I hope everything is goin good up there talk to u later Spencer.
Happy Birthday Clark - you are so missed and so loved. You will never be forgotten and your story and spirit lives on in so many others!! Fly high Super Clark!
DROP A DUB! Happy Birthday Bro , just wanted to let you know I was thinkin about you, life isn't the same without you.
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