Fall Break Day 3
10 years ago
On Aug. 6, 2009 Clark underwent a liver transplant. He then faced a Bone Marrow Transplant but because of insuficient funding, and three denials from Medicaid, Clark lost his fight. He returned to his Heavenly Father(s) on June 11, 2010. We have documented his journey and continue to post updates. Thank you to everyone for your never ceasing prayers and support. If his story brings inspiration, strength, light, and knowlege into your life, then this travesty will not be in vain.
Wonderful..Johnson will step up to the plate on this..He helped my dad with VA/Nursing Home issues. He'll fight for Clark. On the fundraising part of it, have you been selling the Super Clark T-Shirts already or is this an idea that could be tried??
Kristin--we're putting together another HUGE yard sale for July 10th--same location as before (K&S on Lehi main--bishop's place). It would be so cool if people across the states also held yard sales on this day. Maybe we could have a competition to see which yard sale raised the most money. :-)
We're also looking into planning a walk-a-thon for the Utah Valley area.
I'm going to see if I can call Bob Lonsberry and Glenn Beck. Hey, you never know. If they're talking about health care, it would fit right in!
If you sell Super Clark T-Shirts - I can probably sell some in Kansas - the other Kimble sibs could probably do so as well. I can take orders and let you know how many we can sell if you can let me know cost, sizes, etc. I would pay the shipping charges for this.
Glad to hear the fight keeps going to upper levels - keep fighting and believing!! We believe and support you every day!! Jim and Marilyn Fronk
Clark, Kristin, and Rhonda - I have contacted my Congressman, Jerry Moran with Clark's story and asked for assistance. It is the first time I have ever done that, but I had to. Clark has Kansas ties and roots also. Mr. Moran was a big supporter of our little town/county over the last year when we almost lost our hospital and we now have our own commujity owned hospital.
Marilyn Fronk
I sent three letters to different people from the Glenn Beck program already. I'll try sending them again and again and see if they eventually read one. Maybe I'll have Alex call him on the radio. He loves doing that.
Please let me know how I can help.
Hey love ya, we need some t-shirts in Summit and how about a fundraiser at the county line I would love to help. I'll set cans around for donations. I'll get some posters out making people aware we need their help. Let me know what I can do. I would like to ask Nannette to let us sell sandwiches at the Coffee Cup with the donations going to Clark if we could do the meat at the county line it's an idea.
I have emailed Senator Johnson as well as Congresswomen Herseth Sandlin. I have also emailed Keloland, Good Morning America, The Early Show, The Today Show, and The View. Hopefully someone will read this blog, and be as touched as I have been. Praying for all of you.
I have people in my community asking how to donate. Thoughts?
Please set up a link of where we can purchase a superclark tshirt if that is going to get started soon. I would love to help anyway I can. Is there going to be anymore benefits in SoDak? Keep fighting Super Clark, you have an army of people supporting you and they will make sure you get what you need to get healthy.
I work for Watertown Radio and all of us here have been deeply touched by your story. We would like to try and stir up more local support for you guys by airing ads on all six of our stations driving people to donate. The ads would focus on getting people to this blog as well as the facebook page but if there are any physical locations that people can donate to (gas stations, banks etc) I would like to get those on air as well. If someone would email me with any of those locations or if you would like me to set up (more?) donation locations please email or call me.
All of our thoughts and prayers are with you. Stay Strong.
Tom McElhany
(605) 868-1206
At my work they did a little fundraiser that was Cans for Cancer. I think would should try and do Cans for Clark. I think it was pretty effective for this person. just an idea.
That's RIGHT! Don't MESS with a man of God and MULTITUDES of PRAYING people!
If there is anything I can do to help let me know. I have emailed everyone I can think of about this. I didn't know Clark real well in High school but I did graduate with him and remember he was always such a great person. My prayers are with you.
they should know this isn't a guy to give up on. keep fighting clark. wish i had a million dollars. i'd pay for your bone marrow transplant.
liver mum
Keep fighting Clark! Rhonda and Kristin thank you for keeping the BLOG updated. There are many prayer warriors out here that are keeping vigil with you! I just wish there was more we could do. If you think of anything at all that we can do to help from a far just put out the call. Write letters, send e-mails, sell t-shirts... whatever just put out the call.
Carol Kimble Schoeck
I am so glad to hear that someone is paying attention to this case and trying to help. I think the press is going to be your best help. It just makes me sick that the judge took so long to give back her decision. I think you should report her for a judicial review. Clark got so much worse due to her stalling and then to come back with a no away, that is just tragic.
I set up a medical bennefit account at the peoples state bank in Summit today. I was put on the spot by the radio stations when they asked where to send donations if they did not have access to pay pal or credit cards so I told them Peoples State Bank. I took flyers to Waubay, Summit,set out cans for Clark. I took flyers to Ortonville and Milbank radio stations the 6 stations in Watertown are following the story. I took fliers to the newspapers for them to put Clarks story in the paper. We need more people to check out his website and to contact the official offices. We are going to have a freewill offering sandwich, chips and pop at the Coffee Cup. I would like to getr the design for the t-shirts because we would like to sell shirts at the Cup on that day. Please send me a picture of the design so I can have a bunch of shirts made up. Thank You! Are prayers are with you all. Stay strong Clark we all love you very much.
Hey Clark, Kristin, Rhonda and all, I heard from Kansas Congressman Jerry Moran's office already and they are making calls to the Kansas Medacaid office to find their contacts in the Utah office so they can look into this more. I know it is not much but hopefully will help somehow.
Also I have several people around here who want t-shirts, so let us know the link or how we can get them whenever is ready.
Keep fighting - you have a legion of supporters and warriors behind you!!
JIm and Marilyn Fronk
Andrea and I are going to fight for this! We'll be sure to get the media involved and get the word out.
Gov't healthcare at it's "best" is deciding who gets to live and who gets to die. How backwards is that??
What if their son/brother/friend were in this same situation? Would they make the same decision? I highly doubt it, unless they have stone-cold hearts.
We're praying!!
Clark's name was entered into the Prayer Role for the millionth time again when I went there the day before yesterday.
God bless!!!
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